Smiley Monkey OTA's Comments

Hi! For this character and the frowny one!  I can offer ocs from my up for offers folder, but you can also look through my th and find others you like, though I will be tent on them. Fully off limits is the characters with the “DONT” in their description!

Hii! I saw th3s3 tw0 i lik3d! This 0n3 and this 0n3

I can do the first one! Imma have to think on the second though….

Alright, d0 y0u wanna wait till y0u'v3 c0m3 t0 a disiti0n 0r d0 y0u wanna trad3 f0r th3 first 0n3? {S0rry f0r my sp3lling i cant sp3ll t00 w3ll ^^;}

Imma wait! I wanted to get the other for a friend of mine! We like having twin characters, I cant get one without the other ya know?

Dont worry about it, I cant tell a spelling mistake even if it hit me in the face, im so dyslexic.   

Ight! Lmk wh3n ya cam3 t0 a disiti0n!

And i g3t that, twin 0cs ar3 fun! I can als0 find an0th3r 0n3 if ya cant l3t th3 s3c0nd 0n3 g0, idm ^^

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