


23 days, 1 hour ago


zaira is a duthka'gith - one of the progeny resulting from vlaakith's pact with tiamat. she was raised in a secret hatchery, but, like many of her duthka'gith peers, she has the arrogance of dragons, resisting servitude, even as a military leader. in a fit of teenage rebellion, she escaped into faerun and explored the world on her own. she's loud, headstrong, cocky, rowdy, and has trouble forming meaningful relationships with others, especially due to her complete lack of humility. she sees gith as stuck-up try-hards and non-gith as foolish and weak. zaira isn't mean to others, per se, but she rarely tries to hide the fact that she doesn't take others seriously. though her confidence is real and not a front to cover insecurity, it does disturb her that she doesn't feel as if she has any purpose or ambition.

not particularly interested in being "honorable". will absolutely fight dirty

ears should be slightly bigger than a regular gith. red scales appear in patches across her body 

clothes are your basichomely clothes (right)