species: anthro Shark

gender presentation: Androgynous, leaning masculine

moodboard/aesthetic/etc: Scene core!

any other details or specific requests?: Id like the colors/theme based on the polyamorous flag please! Specifically the one thats red, black, and blue with the golden pie symbol. May they also have lots of Kandi bracelets on their wrists and tail? I'd also like them with long wild hair. Other then that, you have artistic liberty for the design! Thank you!

payment method: Cashapp

awesome!! hello! this sounds fun >:3

my cashapp is $mchoneyb33 , I'll go ahead and get you on my queue soon!!

Payment has been sent! Thank you for the opportunity!

do you by chance accept characters for these?

i might consider it if you have something i really want, but in general i'll be picky about it, especially since my queue is a little larger rn ;v; you're free to send what you have though!!

alright! anyone here interest you? i can give multiple < 3 https://toyhou.se/kennedyy/characters/folder:5535449

sadly i don't think there's anything i'd connect to enough TvT tysm for offering though!!

species: Cocker Spaniel (anthro)

gender presentation: Fem leaning 


Scientist/Doctor and Apple theme

Moodboard: https://ibb.co/68DLg0d

any other details or specific requests?:

 -I'd like them to be a black and white cocker spaniel with a red apple marking over the left eye, and their ears tied up in in pigtails like the wig in the picture (I'd also like them to have the bangs of the wig!)

-For clothing, I'd like them to wear an apple themed sweater under a lab coat and Glasses (they can be any colour)

-Id like them to have accessories such as hairclips and badges (they're up to you)

-Please make their ears fluffy!

-Everything else up to you!

payment method: DA points

AWW this is so cute, i can totally do that!! feel free to send the points to https://www.deviantart.com/jkcafe and I'll go ahead and put this on my queue !!

sent them over! I think I sent the right amount- (I sent 650)

oh, it should be 800! so sorry about that 😭

No worries, I sent thr rest of the points over!

gotcha!! i'll get started on this as soon as i can :3

1 Replies

species: Vampel
gender presentation: 
Fem leaning
any other details or specific requests?: 
Please make them as cute and fluffy as possible. I wanna draw drown from pink.
payment method: 
Bytes (Vampel server)

i can totally do this!! :3 feel free to send the bytes over whenever and i'll put it on my queue!

(sheepishly meanders in) hallooo..

hsjdjckdj i know i’m already waiting on a vampy custom from you so if you don’t wanna take this slot i’d completely understand!

species: vampel :3
gender presentation: 
frosmoth (pokemon) + vibes moodboard
any other details or specific requests?: 
nope :P
payment method: 
bytes teehee

no problem at all, absolutely!! :D go ahead and send those bytes over whenever, i'll put it on my queue with your prize and try to get them done in a timely fashion owu

yippee !! bytes have been sent, and of course there's no rush at all ^_^ (especially since neither are for real money lol I'm not in a rush whatsoever 🙏🙏)

Do you by chance do slot holds or holds in general for payment? :0

i can yeah!! although currently there are no slots, and i don't plan on closing this anytime soon, so if you wanted you could wait until you're able to pay and then submit a form! or you can do it now and I'll still put you on my queue and hold for you, i don't mind either way :3