🥀 Ezriel



1 month, 27 days ago

Basic Info

Profile is a wip




An Angel brought to earth from a call from a human.
Ezriel was born from a single tear of joy shed by the universe itself. This unique origin endowed him with a heart that pulsed with empathy.
Ezriel was known for his radiant silver wings, a symbol of his purity and kindness. He spent his days weaving dreams for mortal beings, infusing them with hope and courage. His nights were spent watching over the cosmos, ensuring harmony and balance. 

However, Ezriel's empathetic heart often made him feel the pain and sorrow of the mortal world more deeply than his fellow angels. This led him to plead with the divine to allow him to descend to the mortal realm, to better understand and aid the beings he so deeply cared for. 

His request was granted, and thus began Ezriel's journey among mortals, a testament to his compassion and desire to bring about peace and understanding in the world.


  •  Ezriel has the unique ability to weave dreams for mortal beings, infusing them with hope and courage. He takes great joy in this task, seeing it as a way to directly touch the lives of those he watches over.
  • Ezriel is known for his wisdom. Many seek his counsel, and he is always willing to share his knowledge and insights
  • He often creates celestial melodies that echo through the heavens, bringing peace and tranquility to all who hear them.
  •  Ezriel possesses immense patience. He understands the value of time and the importance of waiting for the right moment.

Not for trade currently

 Credit to ashecodes & Pinky for coding templates/resources!