Tsukia Kobiashi



5 years, 9 months ago


×Boku No

Name: Tsukia (TSOO- ki- yah) means moon and to be.

Nick name: Wolfie, wild boy, mogli (jungle book reference), Kia, Tsu, Inu
Hero name: Fenrir
Age: 17
Birthday: August first (Leo)
Nationality: half Norwegian half Japanese


· sweets and things that smell sweet.
· Collecting shiny things (bit of a klepto/ hoarder)
· Meat, enough said.
· Swimming
· Running
· The outdoors / camping
· His family
· Howling at odd hours of the night
· Singing
· Full moons and astrology
· Scratches behind the ears
· Loyalty above all else and trust

· Thunderstorms freak him out
· People who aren't his family listening to him sing
· People who challenge him (he's 'alpha' at his house)
· Being told what to do without the magic words please and thank you. (Mostly by a fellow student)
· Cooking. Not that he's not good at it but he doesn't see the point when he likes things raw
· People who waste food (even if it's throwing away bones.)
· Not following the rules of his house and room
· When people break their promises/ do something unloyal or untrustworthy



Anna kobiashi (mother) : Norwegian decent, she is beautiful, fair with blue eyes and has the silver hair he inherited from her. Her quirk is called fenrir's Howl, where he got his hero name from in honor to her being his mentor. He's very close to his mom because his dad is rarely around.

Freya Kobiashi (little sister) : six years old, she has spotted hair and ears like her dad. She inherited the Howl from her mother and has a devastating effect on those around her when she throws a fit. She seems to only respect her older brother, quieting when he tells her to. Heterocroma eyes (blue and brown)

Frey Kobiashi (little brother) : twin to Freya, quirkless and takes it upon himself to look after the house when his dad and elder brother are gone. Looks like a younger version of Tsukia with no ears or tail and short hair. Ice blue eyes like a husky

Loki Kobiashi (youngest brother) : aged 2 quirk isn't known yet but he has an appearance like his dad in a vertilgo spotted patterns on his skin, floppy dog ears, and Australian shepherd coloring with one eye gold the other blue. A little trouble maker, acting more feral then a person at times.

Kai Kobiashi (Father) : He has the appearance of a Australian shepherd mixed with a husky wolf dog, giving him a blue murttle spotted dog like appearance with floppy ears and brown gold eyes. His quirk is Canine- his appearance, minor behavioural patterns and abilities are that of a domestic dog with a human mind. He works for anthropologists as a guide, guard and assistant so he's often away from his family for long periods of time with little contact.

School friends-

Asterion Takahashi- long time friend. Is his neighbor and they both help each other's families out quite often. They met in kindergarten when Tsukia pulled on his horn and ran off, resulting in Aster chasing after Tsukia. Tsu jumped on top of a wall they bounce balls off of and Aster ran into it getting stuck and started crying. Tsu helped him get out and apologized several times. When they both were sent home for their behavior they found out they live next to each other and quickly became friends. toyhou.se/2425715.asterion-tak…

Kurumi Okami- as soon as he saw her he just had to be her friend. They get along well with their similar quirks and wolfish behavior.

Quirk: Canis Lupus

-He can communicate with all canine creatures that fall in the canis family. This used to gain followers (minions) or intel although the sources can't always be reliable.
-senses, endurance, energy and abilities of a wolf
-superhuman strength and bite power equal to a wolf even as human.
-ability to transform halfway or completely into a large wolf
-survival skills similar to a wolf

· Sense of smell and hearing is very sensitive
· Bite strength measured at 1,500 lbs sq in (German shepherd is 740) teeth strong
· Able to survive in -40C and harsh desert climates
· Can see in low light
· Faster healing process
· 6th sense for danger or severe weather patterns
· Has an ability to go 17 days without food 5 days without water/ survive on little food or water
· Dogs (domestic) and wild canines could be his loyal companions in fights/ search and rescue operations.
· Can cover grate distances when running (wolf speed)


· Colorblind
· Quirks involving sound/smell greatly affect him
· Transformations can be triggered by emotional distress
· Can't speak as a wolf, and can only do simple one syllable words as a half shift
· Info gathered from canines aren't always reliable (depends on canine intellect)
· Loud noises that are sudden and startling
· EXTREMELY possessive/protective of food, his things, and his "Pack" (friends and family)
· Prefers things mostly raw (ie. Barely cooked meats, eggs, fish) eats bones
· Kinda wild
· Perfumes that are strong make him sneeze several times in a row (multiple times if stuck in the same room as the smell.)

Song: Wolves Sam Tienniz

Inspired by: Inuyasha, Kurumi Okami© Huffie-Artist (her OC)