


1 month, 19 days ago


Drawing Notes:

  • Hair is pulled over and braided to the side but kind of messily
  • Scar on his right cheek
  • He has an eye shine (tapetum lucidum), though I don't imagine it would come up in a lot of art.
  • He has some things in his design that can have variations:
    • The vest - feel free to change the color, pattern, etc, to whatever is going to look good with the picture. I went with whatever I felt like doing at the time of the refs, but canonically he has a number of vests so it can look like whatever as long as there is a pattern.
    • Wrist tattoo - this is optional, its really small and semi-faded so sometimes even I don't draw it. Its just included on the one ref for extra flavor. It's a very simple 3 of swords, the ends are pointing towards his hand, so the reading is normal for anyone looking at it but to him it's reversed.
    • Right arm - He keeps the whole lower arm/wrist area covered, as it has been pretty injured in the past and has some gnarly scarring. Some options would be the wraps, a brace, long sleeves, or armor. If going with the armor route - please put them on both arms.
    • Wings - these are optional. They are what I lovingly refer to as "magic BS wings". He mostly only summons these if he is actually going to fly or for combat. The general shape will reconfigure depending on what he's actually using them for. (Like how bird wings have different shapes depending on the main type of flight) When drawing them - he always has three primaries but the rest are variable, I usually put in like 3-5 secondaries and then fill in the rest with whatever looks good. The only really important thing to me here are the primaries and the notch shapes in the plates.
  • He is super tall (around 6’5” / 196 cm) so please keep that in mind if drawing him with any other characters.

Some Context About the World This Character Lives in:

Just because I feel like this would be helpful to know -

  • I guess it qualifies as as Modern/Urban Fantasy...its set in a world with a similar level of technology to our own. It is mostly populated by "humans" (more on this some other time) and shapeshifters.
  • "Humans" have a power I'm calling dynamurgy, basically they can generate and wield an "Energy" force. Shapeshifters utilize psychic ability to change their form - most of the population can only shapeshift, but some of them are "true" psychics and have one other psychic power, such as telekinesis. Because their society also sucks they have created psychic power tier lists and treat true psychics accordingly depending on how high up the tier their power is.
  • Magic also exists in this world, however humans and shifters cannot wield it themselves - they must utilize artifacts and structures left over by "the lost race", an ancient civilization of a third humanlike species who could use magic and are (of course) presumed to be extinct. Magic has a property known as "Resonance", which has a lot of parallels with radiation, though its not quite the same. "Humans" have a bit of a natural resistance to resonance, shifters do not. This overall causes some issues.
  • "The Lost Race" still exists in the form of Sions, an original race, and nobody has connected the dots that they are the same. Sions are very rare, like they are basically cryptids, and people think they are actually just "mirror demons".
  • The planet has several planes of reality thanks to a cataclysm several thousand years ago. "Humans" and "Shapeshifters" live on the new Reality plane, and as far as they are aware this is the only one that exists. The original reality plane still exists but has been flooded out with magic and is a complete loss. There is also a third plane (sometimes called the Memory plane) that has echoes of new Reality, but it's mostly empty. You can only get here through certain portals and mirror travel.
  • Sions live in one city on the Memory plane. It's called Ahveph and it is sentient. (In fact it's their creator, and it's a higher being just being perceived as a city, but for all intents and purposes its a sentient city). This is where a lot of our story takes place.


Uhhhh I have like pages and pages of notes on Tower, but uhhhh I will...try to condense it as I don't want to dump his life story here, lol.

Name: Tower - It is short for "Clocktower", though he never goes by this anymore.


Race: Sion (Modern)

Type: Time Elemental

-Since I don't have the ref sheet for sions updated right now, as shorthand you can consider them human-like mages than can travel via mirrors. They have organic/magic construct bodies.

Couple key personality points:

  • Charming
  • Charismatic, and tends to understand people very well
  • Brave
  • Loyal - Sometimes to his absolute detriment
  • Tends to be a HUGE flirt, especially when bantering. He is a respectful guy and does understand when to stop or just not do it at all.
  • Cheerful even when being terribly unhelpful
  • Overall seems decently smart but goes into single brain cell mode when having to do any kind of puzzle solving with his friends. If it's Cavi involved then they are both passing the single brain cell back and forth, they cannot get anything done without a huge level of stupidity.
  • Enigmatic ~ Sometimes it's hard for his friends to understand why he does things or what his motivation is
  • Extremely close to being overconfident
  • Restless ~ This trait ends up driving a lot of what he does on an average day. He wanders around a lot. Sometimes he gets in a lot of exploring, and sometimes he wanders into trouble.
  • Chaos magnet. Not always on purpose, it just seems to happen when he is around.
  • Starts talking too much when he is getting nervous at something or afraid. The space filling noise kind of chatter.
  • Does that dismissive “yeah yeah” thing when he is not that invested in a conversation or doesn’t want to hear what you have to say
  • Secretly has a lot of issues related to and caused by the need for people to like him, but he is recovering, and learning how to do things like set boundaries and keep to them


  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Fighting (especially if he thinks he can win or resolve it quickly)
  • Birds/birdkeeping
  • Can dance but the height needed for a proper partner can be a challenge


  • Darkness (this is an actual fear)
  • Loudness. Loud noises especially but people being loud will bother him
  • Friends being in distress for any reason


  • Excellent at math, especially probability and quantum. He doesn't consider this a like, just kind of a curse. Most time elementals are very good at math, it is a feature.

Fighting Style

Improvised melee weapons + time manipulation. He likes to throw objects or use the  same one until it breaks, then rewind time on that object specifically  to "repair" it or return it to his hand, then use it again. Its like  infinite ammo. He also uses magic fields (AOEs basically) to cause a  slow or pause effect, or cause items inside to 'loop', for example a  chair knocking over putting itself back up, then falling over again, to  create obstacles. I would classify him like a glass cannon DPS though,  super formidable but because of several prior injuries you only need to  get a couple good hits on him to take him down. Also, if he thinks it has a chance of working, he will relentlessly flirt with whoever he is fighting with to try to fluster them.