Gatcha! ($6) 3/20's Comments

Promise I’m here for the last time— I would like to AB 8 + get a headshot for them!

Omg I forgot to update, Lujack isn’t taking more headshots, but if you’re alright with me doing the headshot I can do that

otherwise just AB is 10! 

Oop— yeah you doing the headshot would be great! Still $40 then?

Yep! Same PayPal as before!

Can I ask for specifics? What you’d like the character to look like, fur length, expression, gender if any :3

Alright! Sent!

As for appearance— short fur, probably a neutral/flat expression, looks a lil pissed- n maybe more gender neutral? Feelin it out LMAO

Hey! just realized someone actually already got 8, i refunded you so sorry about that >_>

Awe damn- ty anyway!

psssst could I roll another 2 perhaps? 👁️

Yep! please send $12 usd here

Sent! <3

You got 1 & 18! ill send tomorrow morning


Hiya! Can I roll one?

Of course!

please send $6 usd here


You got 20!

transfer sent!

Thanks! Could I actually roll one more?

Of course! Just please send 6 to the same place as before!

3 Replies

May I AB + headshot 11?

Of course !! ^^
please send $40 usd here

Is there anything specific you'd like for the headshot? (as in how they look + expression)

Sent! And for the expression, could I get them looking smug and maybe as if they're looking down on another?

Transfer sent!

We'll be working on the headshot!
Is there any idea for what they look like (long fur/masc/fem/etc) or would you like that to be up to the artist?

Thank you! And it can be the artist's interpretation, I don't really mind!

I'd like to roll once!

Could I get two rolls if theres enough left? :D

#4 #14 claimed

I would love to snag a roll if there are any left !!

#16 claimed

AB head shot 2 please!

#2 claimed

#9 claimed

Can I do two rolls possibly?   

#17 #7 #15 claimed

Could I ab claim 5? 

#5 claimed

#13 claimed

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#3 claimed