


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Spencer - Shiba inu - Male - Jerk - stubborn as fuck- 22 - south cali

"So no head?"

"Without a doubt, sorry about having sex with all your friends :/"

- Most frequently used hats 1, 2, 3.

- wears snap backs and dad hats

- he's a huge dick, very sarcastic

- wears sunglasses like this

- Sarcastic as fuck

- loves crude memes

- Slushees = diet

- Gets in fights often (verbal)

LIKES: Hats, Chill vibes, Looking tough, Making people laugh, Sarcasm

DISLIKES: being emotional infront of people, feeling used, having to hide his feelings

Rory grew up in a poor household in california. His father had left when he was young, which left him with his mother. His mom had to work constantly to provide food for him and his siblings. He was always left out of anything his older brothers did and with nobody else to provide him love. He became bitter and sheltered himself from getting hurt by anyone ever again. He turned to music for solice and comfort.

As soon as he turns 18 he moves out. He starts up a band shortly after meeting some guys at a small music shop in LA. He and the three other guys move into a crappy apartment. They make ends by scheduling gigs at bars and small venues. Soon enough they start to get some fame, spencer is thrilled. He has some ideas to keep making the band unique and keep some dignity and the band signs a label with a big company.Shortly after , they kick spence out of the band for his drug and alcohol abuse. 

Now Spencer lives in a shitty appartment on the outskirts of LA county, doing gigs anywhere that will take him to keep a living. He's bitter still from everything that's happened in his life and takes it out on others. Really all he wants is someone to love him and to be cared for. He doesn't want to just be used for sex or use other people but it seems like friends with benifits is all he's good for. He uses sarcasm to make himself feel better. He claims he doesn't care if someone is hurt by him but actually really cares. He strives to be a better individual but doesn't know where to start.