Hi! I really like Charoite and Belle- any chance you’d be interested in one of these fluff designs?


https://toyhou.se/2886547.kenga (A lil tent)


Ngl might be willing to do all 3 for both

Oh gosh, while Chrysalis is incredibly beautiful, I highly doubt I'd be able to use Sargasso or Kenga. ^^' Thank you so much for the offer though!

All good! I assume you wouldn’t trade anyone for just chrysalis then?

Probably not unfortunately-- Charoite I'm like 50% with because he was redesigned specifically after a betta fish I had as a kid and Chrysalis not being entirely created by Fluff kinda puts me off a bit, but I definitely couldn't do Belle because I spent quite a bit on her and she's currently my only Symprite. 

This is way too long-winded aaa, sorry about that!!! Again I do want to state that I really do appreciate the offer though

All good, I understand! What u said makes sense :3 best of luck!