Zenith's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

AtariTheBest Global Rules

Dos & Don'ts


  • Let me know if you sell/trade/give away any design I made.
  • Take inspiration from my designs, as long as it's not a flat-out recolour or heavily referenced.
  • Credit designs to user ItsJustAtari on here (only if the design was made by me).
  • Ask me any questions 
  • Offer anything, even if it says I'm only accepting money, cuz normally, I'll still accept art or characters and just don't change it.
  • Ask for character linking with my characters, feel free!
  • Ask for pings, that's totally fine!

Do Not:

  • Claim credit for the design.
  • Change the design to the point where you can't recognize its original self.
  • Resell if the design was a DTA, raffle, or from an event where I don't earn any Points or money.
  • Use the design as fodder.
  • Sell the design for more than it's worth if the artwork added on is not equal to the price of the original design.
  • Sell freebies made in design makers such as Picrew, even if you have paid for additional artwork; they can only be traded.
  • Sell the design before you have paid.
  • Give the design to anyone on the blacklist. This will get you on the blacklist yourself.
  • Use any of my designs for thread games.
  • Reupload the design in order to sell or trade it. If you would like your permissions changed, please message me about it!
  • Steal/copy my designs.
  • Hide my designs from my view, I must be able to see them at all times!
  • Kin my characters, that's NEVER Allowed!
  • Offer on characters that ARENT IN THE TRADE FOLDER.

Black list below, never EVER trade/sell or gift ANY of my designs to these people, if you do, I will blacklist you as well.

