Godzilla (George) Phase 3



1 month, 30 days ago


After the bomb was detonated in 1954 and the strange cryptid sightings occurred, mankind was assisted with driving back the monster they'd designated as George. 

Their assistance came from an unlikely ally in Mothra. Her strength and durability allowed her to fend off the beast the first time, as in its mutated state, it was mindless and almost seemed to be scared as it waded through the buildings. 

Some years later, George would once again emerge. This time, he was bigger, his dorsal plates had changed, and his body was an ashen grey with lumps and burns along his flesh. After making landfall in California, the military would try to destroy him, using experimental weapons and explosive payloads that could stagger the beast, even split his skin. George, in a panic induced response, spread his whale-like jaw open and began to glow an eerie red color. Before the military had time to put it together what he was about to do, he fired an offensive weapon from his maw. It was incredibly powerful as it split the buildings in half on contact, before he planted his clawed hands on the ground and pushed his body upwards to guide the beam away from the city.

It was visible from orbit as it carved the heavens open.

Before Mothra could arrive once again, George meandered back to the sea, leaving the military to ponder how they could possibly ever stand up to face him, should he arrive again. 

Little did they know, by threatening George into defending himself, the beam had signaled to any eyes that could see within the void that there was something of interest down on the planet Earth.

Whatever decided to come down and investigate would have to deal with... God's Abomination.