


2 months, 18 hours ago


I love greasy sweet hairy men (Muriel)

Vesta was Cursed by one of Lucio's minions or Lucio himself.

She is involved with "the bad" but she herself isn't a bad person it's purely unlucky as she got cursed as a kid growing up used to being two sided person. To make her useful for bad she was left with some fire magic, the same magic that burned her and set her on fire however she can only use the magic by her left hand. (Again the curse being loosely based of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) Partially mute, blind and deaf, her left side of the face is completely out of senses as for speaking she can only say one word with struggling over it. She isn't bad she just has to serve and be loyal she wants good to win but is forced to work with evil behind the scenes. No one really knows about her connections with Lucio and her being sort of spy for him, all is revealed crashing down when Lucio makes his official appearance. (Angst) 

Soft-spoken, motherly , collected, elegant, mysterious, stubborn and a bit spontaneous. She is not afraid of Randomly setting your shoe on fire when she sees you making fun of someone (she smells like roses but also smoke at times)

(Her fire magic is in color of dark pink)

(Her pet is probably a sand cat)

Her age is 25, height 150cm, Muriel is her love interest