


1 month, 26 days ago


Name: Reis

Age: Early 30s in appearance

Attribute: Virus

Evolution Path: Choromon > Pagumon > DemiDevimon > Wizardmon > Mummymon > Pharaohmonc

Some tid-bits as I work out his writing:

- Reis is very gentle soul and kind-hearted, although consistently anxious. He is friendly with most other Digimon, though not easily trusting. He is often pretty awkward in social situations due to his lack of socialization.

- He has a boyfriend, a Beelzemon named Vik. They originally met when Vik sought out methods to reach his Mega form as soon as possible. Though, the two parted ways after complications occurred which caused Vik to be more susceptible to illness and have high energy requirements or remain chronically tired. The two met once more, although on less than friendly terms, when Reis was found collapsed after being pursued by a MagnaKidmon. Vik wanted to leave Reis for death, but his closest ally, a Stingmon named Kaze, couldn't leave him so hesitantly Reis was saved. There was tension between the two for a long time, but through numerous instances of building trust and demonstrating loyalty, the two eventually rekindled their friendship and eventually became romantic partners.

- After accelerating the speed of his Digivolution, his eye sight got notably poorer and he became prone to muscle pains, particularly within his legs. As a result, he has fairly poor stamina, not helped by the fact he had to lose his species-staple leg braces which helped manage his leg pains. Mummymon was not Reis's intended Ultimate form, but is now a path he is locked into.

- He is prone to getting sucked into his research and finding answers, which has led him down darker paths in the past. More than ever, he is mindful about the morality and ethical implications of his research.

- Often appears tired due to long shifts working at a clinic, whether it be conducting research into new medicinal products or helping patients. His partner helps ensure he unwinds after a long day of work.


Reis is a Digimon who has always strived to learn more about the digital and real world. His curiosity is natural, as he comes from a family of renowned scholars. As a Wizardmon, Reis delved deep into researching ways to make Digimon's lives better. One of the subjects he was particularly interested in was the Digivolution process. For most Digimon, evolution was something that naturally came with the passage of time. However, for some Digimon, there was methods which could accelerate the Digivolution processes. There was the violent way - destroying other Digimon and assimilating their data, but also several non-lethal ways, such as partnering with a human via the usage of a Digivice. Reis particularly was curious about exploring non-lethal ways Digimon not partnered with a human could evolve quicker so they could have better chances at faring in the Digital World.