


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info








300 cm


Chameleon Dinosaur Monster




December 19th




Belka is a female creature who, much like Alphys, resembles a dino. She’s very tall, and she has a rather plump body, accompanied by quills atop her head, a long, thick tail and two giant, clawed hands. In the Underground, Belka pursued a career as a police officer and her work mostly consists of helping out at Grillby’s if there is any gambling that goes out of hand. Her regular spawning-area and starting point is Snowdin, so that’s where you would find her walking about – since she’s big, she’d be hard to miss!

In the game, Belka has a close friendship with the River(wo)man who in the game offers you a ride on their Cat Boat. They’re friends and although they don’t talk much when they meet, they still enjoy each other’s company. During TRUE PACIFIST RUN (and only then), Belka receives a mini version of the Cat Boat from the River(wo)man that she can use on land (there’s a separate little story for that below!). She also regards Alphys as her kin and feels that there is a special bond between them.

Belka is, in general, a very friendly and service-oriented person. She loves seeing people smile, and she prefers order and structure. She’s very neat and tidy, but she’s an optimist when it comes to estimating time, resulting in her often being late! She has a police assistant who is a very small mummy creature (my friend’s in-the-making UT OC!). The mummy was recruited by Belka, and since there ware no uniform that was small enough for them, Belka decided to just give them her police hat. She and the mummy are always seen together, side-by-side in combat. Her partner, however, is very slow and keeps tripping on her bandages, so they always appear in battle encounters after 5-7 rounds. The mummy is actually way more powerful than Belka, but they rarely get to show their abilities due to showing up late to the battles all the time!

In the TRUE PACIFIST RUN (and only then), Belka has another run-in with Alphys, where Alphys previously has put up an ad at Grillby’s, asking for volunteers to try out a new body wash for scaly creatures. Seeing no harm in it, Belka signed up and tried it without further question. However, the results were not what she expected. When she looked in the mirror after her bath, she had changed color – and she just kept changing colors! It turned out that Alphys had included an extract that contained the color shifting gene from a chameleon – highly concentrated, at that. So, from that day, Belka’s scales would change color, depending on her emotions! (The color chart is included below :>)


The Mini Cat Boat

 As Belka and the River(wo)man meet frequently, Belka soon became very intrigued with their mean of transportation, and couldn’t help but wish she had a Cat Boat of her own – her own little police car. Thus, seeing as the River(wo)man had some history with Belka and had ended up owing her a favor, they decided to contact Alphys.

 The plan was to duplicate the Cat Boat, and give the copy to Belka. Alphys, of course, was overjoyed to experiment with it and started right away. Later she returned to the River(wo)man with her result, and surprisingly enough, Alphy’s experiment had succeeded. However… the Cat Boat was half the size! Something had gone wrong when Alphys set the scale, so the dimensions were cut in half, leaving her with a much shorter Cat Boat.

 The River(wo)man nervously handed over the Mini Cat Boat to Belka, only to be startled nearly to death as the oversized dino squealed loudly. Belka fell in love immediately! She barely fits onto the little platform, but she loves using the Mini Cat Boat to move around different areas quickly.