


1 month, 3 days ago



element of luck


harley is a chill fun guy, she's always trying to find things to do and enjoy, whatever those may be. this does makes him really laidback and is sometimes a problem cause he wouldn't take things as serious. she's a very charming pony, other ponies can't help but to look at her; always ending up being the center of attention. 

as the holder of the element of luck, let's say that you wouldn't want to go up against her... it isn't that he's unbeatable, but it's very likely that something will happen that makes it likely for him to win or for you to lose. to be fair, luck isn't really the best to describe it... she manipulates probabilities around her to her advantage, and/or the reverse for the opposition. he can't control it. still, she uses this to help other ponies though; being around them helps in mysterious ways. (protecting another pony by using  his body as the shield...)

her cm resembles a checkered heart with 3 big sparkles on it and tiny sparkles around it. the hearts and sparkles feel like smooth glass, the sparkles also glows in the dark. he's always thought that he's good at games and that's why his cm resembles a checkerboard, it seems like he's a lot more unsure now that he has learny of this element thing, and feels like he's just.. cheating. he does work as a salespony, especially for a friendly bladesmith and a certain grumpy folk, his real talent is probably his persuasiveness. (that is in fact her talent, she knows how to talk, and very charismatic at that)

her wings, they used to be blue(see how it's blue-white on the upper side) but now they're black(not actually black but yk what i mean) and white. this happened after he aquired the cm, just like how axels horn changed after his cm appeared. (i'd like to explain that in my universe, pegasi wings leave colored trails when they fly, so this this case she leaves black and white trails as she flies)

those.. scars, what happened to her? how did she get such a big scar on her stomach... it looks like that of a big feline, hmm.. it doesn't really bother him, he thinks that it looks insane and that he finds it fun when people ask. never telling them the truth.

short manes, she likes it because a certain friend slipped out saying so, hehe. he also wears this necktie with a collar, he said it makes him looks professional. the paw accessory was a gift from her girlfriend- oops, did I say girlfriend? I meant, her close friend, yeah.

her front legs are designed like the buttons on those shirts yk, thought it looked great lol.