


1 month, 24 days ago


18 years old, they/them

Ulolo is a cloudy cat with a social anxiety disorder (selective mutism). Currently, they can only talk to Dexter if he’s the only person around. Ulolo struggles with self-confidence and self-worth and can become dependent on Dexter in social situations. Due to their selective mutism, they lived a very isolated childhood and as a result they’ve become socially inept. They can be empathetic and kind, but can’t confidently display those emotions. Ulolo had a very emotionally unavailable family with an absent mother and a father that was too busy with work to have quality time with his children. They also have an older brother who’s the complete opposite of them, boisterous and is chill with others but can be insensitive. As a result, Ulolo and their brother never got along as he never came to understand Ulolo’s disorder. He would only joke about Ulolo being mute and never came to learn that Ulolo could in fact speak, unfortunately they never had a real conversation because of it. Their relationship isn’t very strong and Ulolo feels rejected by him therefore has no intention of rekindling with him.

Ulolo is a very compassionate and gentle cat who talks with a soft tone. They like to spend their time cloud watching and observing skittish critters from afar. They have a touch with nature, having tamed creatures no one thought was possible. They have a lot of knowledge about them.