Calm Waters



2 months, 3 days ago

Basic Info

Given Name

Zero Ripple Lines (ZRL)

Goes By

Calm Waters (CW)




Zero Ripple Lines, also known as Calm Waters, is one of many iterators created to solve the Great Problem. Moreover, her superstructure is made to house a medical research facility. Nowadays she doesn't care for the Great Problem at all and is instead focused on finding beauty outside of the ancients' creations.
Like many iterators, she dedicated her first cycles of existence to her main purpose. However, solving the Great Problem was a long and boring process. Worst of all, it was fruitless. Three hundred (300) possibilities that led nowhere could put anyone in despair. Knowing that  two hundred and ninety-nine (299) of them aren't even original made the  whole thing sound like a waste of precious energy.

So, it didn't take long for her secondary purpose to start getting more and more of her processing power. She would get information of each medical case that went through her facility and none was like the other. It fascinated her. Every day she learned new things about the world around her and about herself. She wanted to learn more. Talking with other iterators only fueled her desire.

The ancients that found home on her superstructure — her creators — were not pleased to find this out. After all, who would like it if their calculator refused to solve mathematical problems, unless they had numbers it liked? The creators would have loved to reprogram her, however it was a time-consuming task to perform on a completed iterator. So, they started with simply cutting off the medical facility from the iterator's reach.

Zero Ripple Lines hated that. In retaliation, she cut off energy from the city on her superstructure.

And thus a war began.

A power struggle between an iterator an its creators.

During this period, Zero Ripple Lines renamed herself to Calm Waters, both for the irony of the situation and to spite her creators. The ancients considered it a great insult. So, despite great resistance from her, they managed to add her old name back into her code and made it so she  needed permission from at least ten citizens to change it. The name was  engraved on a wall inside of one chamber of her superstructure.

The period of struggle ended with the mass disappearance of the ancients.

With them gone, she baited beasts to claw out the engraved name and destroy the abandoned city on her crown.

Even still she resents everything that is related to the ancients.

With the Ancients
Hates them. Hopes they are still alive and struggling. Hates everything they have ever created.
With other Iterators
Pities them. She wishes them to get well soon, if they still care about what their creators wanted them to do. 
With flora and fauna in the world
Loves it. Every bit of it. She would dissect every little bug if she could.
With herself
She wants to live forever. Until the world ends. To see it end. To be free in a way neither the ancients nor other iterators could be.