F2U base's Comments

and also are trades allowed

You mean like make a char with the base and trade them? If thats it then yes :]


im so sorry but how would a skirt look on this base

A skirt? Depemds on h9w you draw it but it should be fine ^^

ok!!! Cuz im kindda confused on how 2 draw one on the base due the leg possioning its alr ill eventually get it right,i would love it if you drew some clothes^^

Ofc! I can make a few cloth add ons later today :3


Oh my blob it's real

? :]

this base is really cute!!! X3

tysm! There are so many parts to upload its taking ages xD

oop XD

well, i'm definitely gonna use it!! :D

I’m glad! It woulda been a shame if I made it and no one wanted it x3

 it really would qwq

hopefully it gets the attention it deserves!!! :3

That’s sweet of you to say!