Taco Varmint



5 months, 14 days ago


This spammling always seems to get mixed up with actual tacos, always somehow lounging next to the actual food itself. Who knows how it always manages to find the food at all, or why. But if one had to guess, it could probably be because of the warmth and the smell of the food to the spammling could be very comforting. But occasonally the spam will snack on the taco and food it finds, usually before it goes cold. It always escapes before the maker of the food can make the little spam pay or trade for the food they had just eaten.

When they grow up, they might get into the Taco making business, and pay back for all the taco's they had eaten.

And when they're an adult, they do get into the business, and they thrive under it! They know nearly every kind of tips and tricks to make tacos that anyone could love. From a meat lover to a vegan's delight, they have one for anyone. They do well for themselves though, always fed, and enough money to keep going. Though they move around a lot, never really staying in one place. So they have a food truck to keep working and selling food for the people. 

Their virus is brought on when they actually get too cold. Luckly that limit of cold being 'Starting to develop frostbite' level of cold. They become this living bug looking taco. Sharp pointed legs tapping away at their movement, scuttling around the place trying to find a place to warm up and remain safe. They can usually be reverted back once they squeeze themselves somewhere, and warm back up.