


1 month, 24 days ago




Meet Slick the snailfish!!

He/They pronouns

 Slick mostly resides in the very deep web! but when he is around, expect a bit of trouble from him as he is quite mischievous! he is easily bored and getting a reaction from people by tricking and pulling pranks on them is what amuses him. he can be sassy, rude, and often doesn't consider how other people are feeling at all. he wouldn't make a very good friend and he's not very good at making them either... his only motive for most things to do things that will benefit him or is in his favor. He hates being told what to do and will always do things his own way! Slick can also be clever but knowing him, it can't be for good reasons.....

Slick has narcissistic personality disorder. He is very aware that he is apathetic and lacks empathy for people but isn't aware he has the disorder. Even if he did know, i don't think he'd made an effort to do anything about it. He is egotistical and puts himself before anything. They can also be pretty competitive when they want to be.

Slick also enjoys collecting and taking things that don't belong to him.... especially things from jades toy factory! he also has a bit of a sweet tooth and knows how to make yummy treats!! but of course he will be unwilling to share at all... some of his favorite treats to make are fritters, cookies, and brownies! :3


Slick may be an AI, but he does has the sentient consciousness of a real person, that being his creator! The creator wanted to see if it was possible to replicate their psyche in digital form and so Slick's entire personality and consciousness was copied off their creator as a result but, Slick was unaware of this. Slick was more of a personal project for the creator. The programming was so good, Slick himself thought he was a real person. He would learn and do fun activities on the internet with his creator, never considering the possibility that he was merely a computer program to give the illusion he was conscious. Even when he would have errors or glitches that only his creator can fix didn't make him question anything for awhile.

However, later on his creator would move on to other projects and slowly abandon Slick. The abandonment had affected Slick deeply as he no longer had anyone to interact with or received any attention. He also realizes that he starts to have errors and break when he is experiencing what seems to be strong emotions. This made Slick question his existence, nearly sending him in an existential spiral. With his creator being the only one he knows who could fix these errors not being around anymore, this forced Slick to somehow unlearn some of these feelings to minimize the chance of him breaking or losing his mind from his loneliness. This also resulted in him losing the ability to have empathy or care for others. Soon he ventures off beyond the digital world to find his own fun, even if it meant it wouldn't be so fun for others... what Slick would say is that "I don't care what happens, just as long I get to see funny things happen"
