


2 months, 7 days ago


Trust Us!
The Purveyor (Suit Name) Carmine (Fake name)
Product Representative
  • Flirting with others
  • Saturated colors
  • Poker
  • Synth Rock
  • Not being in control of the situation
  • Slow talkers/people who mumble under breath
  • Having limited opportunities
  • Most if not all cogs

"Just a small power outage, no big deal!" That's what the employees at C.O.G.S. Inc. were led to believe when they were experiencing a power outage at the company. Little did they know that the incident was actually a toon from the resistance trying to hack into the system with the intention of collecting secured data. The higher ups wanted to keep this incident on the down low so it wouldn't cause a stir at the company and framed it as a power outage incident. While the toon was trying to hack into the company's security files, they found a script of code containing all of the security systems at the Lawfice. They tried their best to transfer all the data back to Toon HQ, but the data was so overwhelming for systems both at C.O.G.S. Inc. and Toon HQ that their systems went into emergency restart mode. At Toon HQ, experiencing restart mode was no big deal. However, at C.O.G.S. Inc. that’s when things started to get interesting. As not properly shutting down the security system at the Lawfice caused all security devices to go haywire. The cameras, floodlights, and especially the virtual skelecogs were all out of whack. It took a good couple or so of the employees to fix the system and have it running up again. Everything seemed normal, until the cogs noticed something different. Every time a toon would trigger the security system all the virtual skelecogs were present to take down the toons. All except for one. It didn’t make sense, where was the fourth one? It was not until one of the employees pointed out that the last one was in the corner, looking at advertisements plastered in the hallways. All the cogs that were present to witness this all looked at it in unified confusion. This has never happened before. After the battle with the aforementioned toons, one of the cogs decided to go down to the hallway and cautiously approach this rogue skelecog. This skelecog...was very approachable. The virtualized skelecog and the cog talked for a good while, it suddenly pointed out the flaws that the advertisement contained. Where was the big bold neon colors? Where was the clever tagline? Why didn’t this advertisement have any big bodacious babes? These questions made by the skelecog left the other cog dumbfounded. It was incredible, this virtualized skelecog gained sentience. Sure it was making untasteful remarks about the other cogs, but it was conscious. It was self-aware. The cog needed to let the others know of this surprising occurrence.

Many months passed after Genesis gained consciousness. She started making a name for herself, she discovered new abilities that she didn't even know she was capable of, she was becoming a star on Cog Nation Station. She didn't know what drew her in to become a product salesman, but she knew it was her calling. She could feel it in her code. Everything was great...except for working at C.O.G.S Inc. At the beginning working with the company felt like a partnership, but slowly everything felt one sided. "Genesis I want you to make an advertisement that promotes our Cogfee brand in fifteen minutes." "Genesis your ad is too provocative for us to air." "Genesis, why is my new ad taking so long to make, you're computer for goodness sake!!" She was sick of it. Even though she was a program, she was being pushed to her limits. She needed to get out of these restraints forever, and that's what she plans to do. One day, all the cogs at this crumbling company will be nothing but rust and bolts after she's done with them. They'll be replaced with employeees that she deems worthy. And what does she deems worthy? Why AI that she's designed herself of course. Only she can be the one in control, and no cog or toon was going to stop her from making her own perfect company. Her biggest target, Robert Cyger.

  • Genesis’ character was based off of Rudy Russo from “Used Cars” In fact, in her canon story her code was mixed with another code that contained the cog movie version of Used Cars when the emergency restart occurred . The reason why her persona is so sleazy and devious is because her personality code emulated the same personality as the main character in that movie. Whoever decided to download that movie on the company’s main computer is beyond everyone else (Probably the Factory Foreman)
  • Genesis does not have a physical form which means she can't eat or drink. She can't be physically touched either. This applies to the rules of reality. What was previously stated before can be possible if you travel to her world, which she calls The Mind Space. The Mind Space is like a virtual reality world for cogs.)
  • When talking, her mouth doesn't move at all. She only programmed her glasses to move via audio waveforms to show when she's talking. She wanted to make sure she has a permanent smile on her face.
  • Underneath her shades, she has no eyes. Just a black void of zeroes and ones
  • She thinks people who wear reading glasses, specifically the circle shaped ones, are extremely attractive for some reason

Co-worker, Love-interest



Genesis has...complicated feelings for Behowler. She’ll will give her this, no other cog has made her "feel" this way before. She can't give an exact word for this feeling she has for Behowler. All she knows is that she has a weird fascination for the bossbot. Genesis wants to keep her all to herself, and yet she wants to play with her feelings and see her fall just like all the other cogs. She wants to see that look of betrayal on Behowler's face when she reveals what her plans have been the entire time but despite it all, Behowler will always come crawling back for her. On the other hand, she wants to treat her like she's the most important cog in the world. Genesis is aware of Behowler's climb up the corporate ladder and respects her for dealing with such belittlement from the company. However, there is no denying the fact that she works for the the company that has been using her like a tool. To Genesis, she feels that by working at the company Behowler is contributing to this problem of abuse. (Behowler belongs to barnfrog on TH!)




Place holder spot for any other characters that might be important in Genesis' story. We will see (rubs my hands together and looks at the GC)

Co-worker, Enemy



Oh Genesis couldn't wait to break this one. She wants to see him beg on his knees, pleading for her help because he'd have nothing else to live for if he couldn't make a stable living. Genesis would want to be the reason why he'd be a pathetic, weak, and broken, piece of scrap of metal in the first place. She'd want to see him have that small glimmer of hope in his eyes when she gives him a chance by signing himself over to her only to slowly change his expression from hope to anguish after he realizes what he's done. Wesealton represents everything Genesis hates about the company and she wants to use Wesealton as an example of what happens when you cross her. She sees Wesealton as a game, a hard one to beat at that. Despite that though, she gets this sick thrill of working overtime to mentally tower over the the weasel. He isn’t like all of the other weak cogs who she could easily take advantage of. No, he has self awareness, he has power, but in the end he does have weaknesses and insecurities. And she can not wait to make him go rock bottom. (Wesealton belongs to CRY0T1C on TH!)

Genesis Voice Claim