


1 month, 17 days ago


~ And I know that you've grown this rough skin like me too
Birchjaw ✶ 

past names
gender identity
voice claim
Birch, Birchpaw
Rogue, Warrior
Neutral evil
The Cat (Infinity Train)

basic traits 
- Deceptive
- Orderly
- Apathetic
- Complacent
- Critical
- Pragmatic
- Withdrawn
- Cares about appearance

- Middle child of Tidesurge (older brother) and Paleshine (younger brother)
- Abandoned as kits, she took on a more motherly role to care for her crazed older brother and bluntly rude younger brother.
- She cares deeply for her siblings but can swing heavily between deep love and appreciation, recklessness, and insensitivity to affection.
- Something happened to Paleshine as his boldness led to his injury (?). Birchjaw had to abandon her usual calculated approach and act impulsively to save herself and her siblings, but this decision injured Paleshine (like an attack from a fox, etc.).
- This moment of vulnerability and guilt haunts Birchjaw, making her deeply insecure about her ability to protect those she cares about and worry more about her siblings (she shows this less through words but actions).
- The experience and trauma could also fuel a desire for power!
- Tidesurge’s cruel behavior helped their family survive in the forests. Now that they live in Riverclan, however, she feels it draws too much attention to them.
- She feels that the Riverclan cats are not crucial to her. Still, if presented with a more romantic relationship, she might consider it on the same level as her familial relationships (only experiencing familial love most of her life leads her to be curious and highly value that kind of relationship).
Tidesurge’s bloodlust and heartless nature are familiar to her. While other cats in their clan might be disturbed by his behaviors, Birchjaw embraces them.
Birchjaw only feels like developing relationships with clan cats when they benefit her (e.g., well-liked clan cats, medicine cats, deputies, and leaders). She isn’t afraid to show she dislikes kits and elders.
- Despite her facade of control, Birchjaw harbors deep-seated fears and insecurities that she goes to great lengths to conceal. Enemies could exploit these vulnerabilities or use them as leverage against her.

- After everything she and her siblings have been through, she believes that the world is their sandbox to play with, and she will follow through on whatever sick or twisted game either Tidesurge or Paleshine wants to perform.
- Birchjaw finds it entertaining when her siblings cause trouble, so she participates in messing with cats in Riverclan.
- She’s not afraid to go against the clan’s ideas for the world in favor of theatrics and danger. However, if the clan’s ideals align with hers, she’ll gladly join the community.


Older brother 

Little brother