


1 month, 17 days ago


Name: Minerva

Pronouns: she/her

Gem type: Peridot

Role: researcher/reporter/hacker?

Personality: A mythic bitch. Lmao I picture her kinda like Jesse from team rocket but a little worse. She’s self-centered, and can be cold and rude even to people she cares about. She’s kinda evil and would willingly betray you if she doesn’t respect you, but if she does, she would kill for you without even thinking about it. Her appearance is extremely important to her. If a hair is out of place she will have a conniption and refuse to show herself unless it is fixed. Only Stella can call her Minnie

Extra: used to be a part of Paragon’s court but betrayed her Diamond and joined Reflective Diamond. She doesn’t actually care about out either authority figure, she just got bored. Her job is mainly surveying work in kindergartens or other projects, but she really just likes to spy in plain sight. She writes very intricately long and detailed notes but will only share with her Diamond whatever information she feels like. She also removes information from the Diamond directory that she doesn’t want her to have records of, but it’s unclear why she does this because none of the information she deletes seems to have anything to do with Minerva, and rarely is even about her associates.