Neizar Shee'ihld



5 months, 9 days ago


Neizar Shee'ihld is the younger twin brother of Rho clan leader Nereida.
As children Neizar and Nereida were inseparable. Because of this, he often picked up on his sister's leader training and was taught alongside her in some cases.
The two love eachother very much. Neizar was timid and easily frightened as a kid, but Nereida was curious and brave and he felt as though she needed him around to keep her from doing anything dangerous. he was protective of her in this way. He nearly was forced to take the crown when his sister disappeared on  the day of her coronation, but thankfully she arrived just in time to  save him from that fate. When Nereida became clan leader when their father was eaten by a whale, Neizar was right there with her to help her lead the people, and keep everything in order. Nereida would often run off to explore and get lost and in those times Neizar would take over leadership for her. It took Neizar some time to adjust to the idea of the surface world and other flavors but after meeting Kauri and eventually coming to the surface himself he accepted them as a part of their curious world.

Neizar was set up in a political marriage by his father when he was a teenager, to a beautiful northern taffyfloss called Kohola Mai. She is a fiesty redheaded Orca taffy and at first she hated Neizar for being cowardly and timid. After spending some time with him she realized what she saw as cowardice came from a place of a gentle kindness that she had never experienced before. There are still times that she has to take charge and force him out of his comfort zone but she has since grown to love him for his gentle nature.

Neizar has two sons with his beloved Kohola Mai that he charishes greatly, though both of them take after their mothers' firey and harsh nature. He does his best to teach them grace and in turn they have taught him to be stern and assertive when he needs to be.

Neizar was surprised when he was told that his sister would not continue the blood line of Rho, and instead she wanted his eldest son to be the next heir to Rho. Nereida disliked the idea of having one of her daughters assigned to marry a Rho to take leadership, nor was she keen on the option of insemination with a Rho donor to birth an heir for her kingdom. She attempted to wholly hand over the throne to her brother when she married into Lambda, but he refused. Neizar never wanted to be king, however his son Atlas is extremely excited for the oportunity.

For many years Nereida has traveled back and forth between Lambda and Rho with her family, leading both nations and leaving Rho in the hands of her brother while she's on the surface. Neizar is very happy to see his sister enjoying her life with her children and husband, but does wish he had more time to spend with her. He spends much of his time preparing his son for the throne while running Rho from the sidelines.