Hono Aiuchi



1 month, 5 days ago


Hono Aiuchi: The Mink
Name Hono Aiuchi
Age 25
Gender Female
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Background Actress
Flower Red spider Lily | Last Goodbyes

Bitter Chocolate

Finding Spare Change

Stage Lights

Antique Lighters

Squeaky Shoes

Cold Showers

White Chocolate


Cynical 🎭 Determined 🎭 Apathetic

Hono Aiuchi was born on December 10th, 20XX, in Hatagaya, Japan. Best known for her first named role as Sana Hirabayashi, in the second season of the beloved J-Drama, CHRONOS’ FLOWER, which aired last Fall. First appearing in the background of the main protags school, fans raved over the mysterious character who seemed to have her own story of her own despite never speaking. Theories started saying that she was pining over the main guy, and trying to insert herself into the group. To many, they hope and wish to see the young actress make her way more and more into the limelight. Prior to her acting career, Hono was the back-up dancer to former idol Nya-o. This part of her career was most of her late teens, featuring in their music videos during their yellow phase. Some have speculated on the two’s connections but that has died down in more recent years.

Despite constant prodding from tabloids and reporters, not much is known about the private happenings of Hono Aiuchi. Though, with deep diving one can find articles on a past relationship dating back two years ago. The young actress was known to be dating viral sensation and street snap model, Chiemi Ogasawara. In an interview with a renowned fashion blogger it was stated that “We were both at different points in our careers and that was holding us down. It was a mutual affair.”

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