Lorenz Frei



1 month, 17 days ago


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The world is vast, you know. Go expand your horizons!


Lorenz Frei

A fledgling adventurer with boundless curiosity, Lorenz constantly dreams of daring experiences with little or no regards for his safety. Known to be incredibly forthright, many are often perplexed about his inability to even utter a white lie.

Gender Male

Birthday March 18 (Pisces)

Homeland Kingdom of Heroes

Occupation Student

Class 2-A (No. 7)

Best Subject Physical Education

Age 17

Height 176 cm

Dorm Octavinelle

Grade Sophomore

Club Mountain Lovers Club

Dominant Hand Right


While others may think that Lorenz has an average intelligence at best, in truth, he is so much smarter than he lets on. His bold nature often pushes him to do things that most people are afraid of, and he is often the first to volunteer when a dangerous situation is presented. Lorenz is constantly on the move, and he is often spotted around campus just examining anything he can get his hands on. His passion for adventure isn't just to chase the highs either; it is also driven by deep-seated hatred and an unwavering determination to track down his parents and hold them accountable.

Very truthful, Lorenz gets visibly uncomfortable if forced to lie. He sometimes gets around this by simply not speaking at all, but usually, his silence is already a valid indicator of what he wants to say. On other occasions, he will also use his natural charm to get out of a conversation, which often works, but will usually lead to even more questions for the next time. He is also easily amused and often finds joy in the things that many seem to overlook.

Signature Spell

Lorenz' signature spell is called Net of Knowing. Upon casting the spell, Lorenz channels a slow-moving net that begins beneath his feet and crawls across the surfaces of an enclosed space. Once the net engulfs the entire room and disappears, Lorenz gains access to the knowledge the trapped individuals have acquired within the past day. The spell cannot work in open spaces.


Hobby Dog training

Favorite Food Garlic mushroom pasta

Pet Peeve Lying

Talent Cartography

Least Favorite Food Tiramisu

Voice Claim Nojima Kenji

  • He is twisted from Charles Muntz from Up.
  • His full name is Lorenz Alfred Frei.
  • He has a dog named Aeolus, or El for short. Though the dog's first name was Milo as he was originally a gift for his younger cousins-turned-siblings, Lorenz gave the dog a second name when time passed and he became the one who took care of him the most.
  • Many who see Lorenz judge him to be physically weak. However, this is not the case as Lorenz is actually a very capable fighter who can land a mean right hook.
  • He can recite the entire periodic table in order.



The son of two revered scientists, many eyes were already on Lorenz Schuler on the day he was born. Due to his parents’ high-ranking positions in the scientific community, he was expected to follow in their footsteps once he grew older. Even as these expectations weighed heavy on him as a young kid, he lived up to their presumptions seeing that he was already showed remarkable intellect for his age.

Most of his memories as a young child were in the laboratory that his parents worked at. And although they were constantly physically present, they were mentally absent when it came to him. When Lorenz was about 6 years old, his parents started working on an important scientific study that was sure to be a breakthrough when proven correct. The only problem was that no matter how many replications were conducted, they could never really get the desired result. Since their workplace was already pressuring them on the progress of the study and they themselves were beginning to crack, Lorenz’s parents decided to do the unthinkable in the scientific field—they forged the results.

As expected, the scientific community celebrated at the breakthrough, and his parents began to get invited to conferences around the country. For a while, the fanfare that the Schulers received was staggering. A few weeks after, however, a miscalculation was spotted on the submitted paper, and from there, the lies were unraveled. The Schulers were immediately villainized, and the titles and jobs bestowed on Lorenz’s parents were stripped from them almost immediately. Not only that, but they were ostracized by their neighborhood, and they constantly heard their neighbors talking about the horrid example they were setting for their son. Having had enough, his parents told him one night that they were planning to leave the Kingdom to find something that could prove their study correct after all. And so, they later arranged for his aunt and her husband on the other side of the country to care for their son, all while promising the young boy that they’d come back to get him. In actuality, it was simply a ruse for them to flee the country without the added burden of processing documents for a child.

Now the new caretakers of Lorenz, his aunt begrudgingly accepted him into their initial family of four. While his new caretakers held little parental adoration for him, they officially adopted him so they would be able to change his documents, as well as change his last name to “Frei”. His adopted parents were never cruel to him, and although they were displeased at having feed another child and send him to school, they still ensured that he received a proper education. The school that they chose for him however was quite small and they had to constantly ensure that the adults wouldn’t recognize Lorenz. When they did, they would immediately transfer him out. While they did somehow look out for his well-being, it was obvious to Lorenz that they weren’t doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts, but to better protect their biological children.

He was also discouraged from going out of the house, so he opted to watch shows on the television instead, and he’d be so taken with the shows that featured explorers that he’d spend most of his free time in front of the screen. Although he initially wanted to be a scientist like his parents, this dream had been tainted; and with every show he’d watch of people going on adventures, his dream morphed accordingly.

When he began to approach the age where he would have to pursue a higher education, his aunt began to get extremely worried as she feared that the professors would recognize him. Transferring was no longer a viable option as well since tuition was high and there were far fewer higher education schools to transfer to. For this reason, when his magical powers manifested, it was just in the nick of time and his adoptive parents were filled with joy. They encouraged him to try for a scholarship at Night Raven College and he passed with flying colors.

Now having the opportunity to start a new life with a clean slate in another place, Lorenz could finally pursue a life of adventure that he always wanted. Feeling like he had been given a chance to separate himself from his parents’ wrongdoings, Lorenz seeks to prove to everyone that he is his own person.


Azul Ashengrotto [ Close Friend | Boss ]

Azul's personality was in direct contrast to Lorenz' morals and own attitude, so the latter initially tried to steer clear of former. However, since they were in the same dorm and the same year level, it was inevitable that their paths would meet. Back when they were freshmen, Azul grew curious of Lorenz' inability to lie, often testing the validity of it through questions. He was always rightly amused when Lorenz would always tell the truth, even if it was an embarrassing story. These questions then turned into full-on conversations, and eventually, the two boys became close friends.

When the Mostro Lounge was established, Lorenz was quick to take on work in order to fund his future explorations. He has driven away a number of customers due to his perpetual honesty though, which has greatly stressed his boss. Azul even once muttered that Lorenz desperately needed lying lessons. During the events of Book 3, Lorenz had actually tried to confront Azul, but his spell was unfairly taken from him too. Although angry, he was devastated but mostly concerned for his friend when he found out that Azul had overblotted. Fortunately, the two made it up after the incident.

Louisa Beurre [ Close Friend ]

Lorenz first saw Louisa on a leaked family photo on the television back in the Kingdom of Heroes. While there was a chaotic media frenzy with how a model's daughter looked "homely", Lorenz was very quick to disagree, finding Louisa pretty. He even got into a fight with his aunt/adoptive mother about the fact, a discussion in which Lorenz fought for Louisa's honor despite her just being a picture on a screen back then.

Upon his enrollment into Night Raven College, he was surprised to see her in the flesh. So, he approached her, introduced himself, and started a conversation. He even told her a compliment about how pretty her freckles were, which had flustered the girl. While he can tell that she doesn't really believe his compliments, he still tries to constantly shower her with genuine praise. Contrary to what others might think when they hear him, he doesn't have any ulterior motives—he just wants Louisa to know that in his eyes, she is, in fact, a beauty.

Mikey Linwood [ Friend | Co-worker ]

Lorenz had asked for Mikey's advice when it came to befriending Darcie Milliner from Diasomnia once, but his advice was basically useless. Because they're from the same dorm and they work in the same place, Lorenz gets to witness Mikey's shenanigans on the daily and finds the younger boy hilarious. Even if Mikey is doing the bare minimum, Lorenz' shallow humor would kick in and he would be on the ground clutching his stomach in laughter. Outside of Mikey providing him with a constant comedy show, Lorenz actually gets along well with him, and he would quietly hum along whenever Mikey sings while they both work in the Lounge.

Jade Leech [ Friend | Clubmate ]

Lorenz has a good relationship with Jade due to them being members of the Mountain Lovers Club. During hikes however, they don't really speak much, preferring to take in nature's sights and sounds instead. Upon climbing down the mountain, however, they would excitedly talk about the flora and fauna that they had encountered. Since Lorenz loves to travel, he has also asked Jade to take him to the Coral Sea once. The merman had no qualms about the request, and had even told Lorenz that he would be glad to do so.

Theodora Drach [ Acquaintance ]

Lorenz is very much aware that Theodora has a crush on him. While he appreciates the admiration, the feeling is not mutual. Despite this, he tries his hardest to treat her nicely, and has even gently rejected her outright. However, these rejections seem to have gone in one ear and out the other. While he does not see her romantically, he does admire her engineering prowess and would like to know more about the subject in general, though he is quite careful with his questions or words around her as he does not want to lead her on.