Corn Cob



4 months, 30 days ago
Trade Listing
For Offer


♥ OPEN OTA (Offer-to-adopt) MLP Pony Foul Character Design by Kafkanaut ♥

  • This cutie is named "Corn Cob." She is a foul produced while breeding my MLP witch OC "Planchette" with my MLP cow OC "Marshmallow Fields," created by Yoly on Toyhouse. You can see more fouls from this breeding set by looking at the additional photos. Navigate to my adoptable folder to adopt any that interest you!
  • UPDATE: I bought one of the parents used to create this character from Yoly on Toyhouse, a known art copier and theft artist DESIGNTHIEF+TOSBREAKING,BE AWARE(Yoly+Remicut PSA) on Toyhouse. I did not realize when I bought their parent or when breeding them that they were stolen; I only learned about this theft afterwards. I am comfortable with not mass-deleting my babies or telling anyone else to, because even though I did use parents I didn’t realize were stolen, the kiddos still were designed by me and have enough variation to not be copies of their stolen parents. I have, however, privated the lovely group photo that includes their stolen parent (DM me if you would like to peek at the family group photo and confirm that they vary drastically from their stolen parent). This character also appears in a separate folder with an explanation to distinguish it from the rest of my adoptables. 
  • I prefer money, but art, OC trades, and other forms of payment will be considered.
  • Comment your offer if interested in adopting!

♥ Terms of Service for Adoptable Owners ♥

  • Please don't send any payment over until I give the okay.
  • Feel free to make any changes to the design, name, traits, or characteristics.
  • Trading, gifting, and breeding is okay. Reselling at any price is also okay, but only if including additional art.
  • Don’t credit yourself with designing the character. In your page for the character, list me as the creator. Please credit and link me the first time you draw them, on or off site. I'd love to see! Â