


2 months, 1 day ago




A charismatic and gentle mercenary who is an artist at heart.


Castiel Aethelwulf
Late 20s
190 cm
Fighter - Great Sword

Lucien is a charismatic and gentle Tanucake who would rather be painting in the woods than pick up his sword. Despite all the hardships in his life, his heart remained in the right places. Strangers and those who are close to him alike would describe him as the perfect person to make it into history books as the hero that slain the demon king if it weren’t for the fact that he is a bit of a coward.


Honey & Chamomile Cake

HAIRSTYLE: Fluffy blond hair swept to the right.

CLOTHING STYLE: Lucien wears a red vest on top of a white linen button up shirt which he keeps unbuttoned down to his chest. He has two belts on his waist and is almost always seen with his blue cape on. The cape is held together by a golden pin with a flower engraved on it.

ACCESSORIES: Lucien's charm is a blue feather that he keeps in his hair. Touching it puts him at ease in high tension situations. He also wears a golden ring on his thumb on his left hand.


  • Lucien has a large scar over his right eye and near his jaw.
  • Golden ring on his left hand (thumb).
  • He has a strand of cream colored hair on his bangs.
  • He has a small group of flower pattern on his tail.


地球儀 · Kenshi Yonezu

The clear sky on the day I was born was
So high, distant, and endless
The day I heard a voice patting me
On the back telling me to go ahead


Note: Castiel is Lucien’s birth name — however, due to his circumstances he had to change it to Lucien, a name similar to his late mother’s: Luxanna. Read More

When baby Castiel was born, it was a clear summer day with a cool breeze from the ocean that keeps the heat at bay. He was a healthy baby with golden hair and a cream colored belly adored and spoiled by his loving mother. His father, not so much but Lucien couldn’t care less. His mother was his entire world and her love was all he needed. Born into royalty, life was luxurious and servants took care of his every need. It was a typical life for the next king in line.

Castiel’s life was uneventful up to his teens. He learned all the annoying rules of etiquette and met all his expectations as the next hire. To add, he was also blessed with a knack for magic, a trait he earned from his mother but never got to master due to the kingdom’s active disdain towards magic users. Still, his mother secretly taught him some basic spells.

The peaceful life of the prince came to an end when his mother, Queen Luxanna died in a tragic accident when he turned 14. Castiel never believed for a second that it was an accident — he knew for a fact that the death of his mother was orchestrated by his father. He’s always known his father was never fond of his mother due to their marriage being a marriage of convenience but to murder her is an act he can never forgive. Filled with grief and anger he attempted to assassinate the man who cut his mother’s life short within 2 years. But ultimately he failed and his failure worked in the king’s favor giving him the reason to get rid of his son.

Fortunately for Castiel, he was loved by his step siblings that were the children of his step mother. Although they were all disowned by their mother due to her remarriage with the king, they bonded with him easily. With the help of his step siblings, Castiel was able to escape the kingdom but it wasn’t without a scratch. His large facial scars were a result of his escape and just like that, the prince of a small kingdom was no more.

At the age of 16, Castiel had nothing but the clothes on his back and a pouch of coins in his pocket. Despair was all that’s left in him but the thought of his mother gave him a glimmer of hope. He knew she would’ve wanted him to continue living a happy and healthy life despite it all. After all, he was proof of her existence.

It was an uphill battle with countless disadvantages but Castiel never gave up. He changed his name to Lucien to escape his past and picked up the sword in hopes of making some money. He was never any good at it but thanks to his knack for magic, people were willing to bring him along for missions. It was rare for a sword wielder to also be knowledgeable with magic. He was only able to cast minor offensive spells and some healing spells but it was good enough for most people.

That was how Lucien lived his life after his escape. Going town hoping and acting as a mercenary for hire was a majority of his current life. It was only recently he decided to settle down in a quiet corner of a dainty town near a vast lake — the lake reminded him of the ocean. It was a quiet life for the most part. He didn’t particularly enjoy going on missions but he’s gotta make a living somehow. He misses his mother and his home greatly but he knows from the bottom of his heart that he is no longer Castiel. Just a humble mercenary trying to make an honest living.


  • He is completely blind on the right so he usually has his right eye closed but sometimes seen with a glass eye if he remembers to put it in.
  • His favorite things to paint are still life and nature.
  • The scars on his face were inflicted when he was young. Unable to reach a healer in time, he endured through the pain and healed naturally. He's pretty much scar-free otherwise.
  • He knows minor healing and offensive spells.
  • He enjoys making his own paints, canvases, and brushes.
  • He greatly resembles his late mother.
  • Lucien's type (if anyone cares): "My type? Well, I guess I like those who are kind and can take on the caregiver role. Ah... this is so embarrassing. Next question please."


  • Biscuits & Tea
  • Spending time in nature
  • Painting
  • The Ocean


  • Mercenary work
  • Fighting/Violence
  • His father
  • Winter



Hallie - Close Friend, Healer

“Thanks for always making sure I'm at 100%, Hallie!”

Lucien’s timid party member and closest friend who he is forever indebted to due to his recklessness and clumsiness during their missions. Thanks to her potent healing potions, he is able to continue being the fighter of his party and make a living. As thankful as he is, Lucien feels quite guilty about putting Hallie through all the labor in making potions so he has been trying his best to improve his swordsmanship.

When they are not on missions Lucien actually enjoys spending time in a clearing near Hallie’s cottage in the woods so it’s inevitable they are close. He thinks it’s the perfect quiet little area to observe and paint.