Dekoi Roulos



8 years, 5 months ago


Dekoi Roulos

Caste Jadeblood
Age Adult
Gender Female (she/they)
Height 6'10
Lusus Opossum
Hemoloyalty None, Anti-Empire
Aggression Defends Self and Others
Voice Claim Hayley Williams

maternal . cheerful . mindful

Once the life of the party, a girl who kept up with everything and everyone, enjoying wild days and nights, the type of person that couldn't go anywhere without someone knowing her, she was a radiant beam of sunshine in every group she hung out with.
But all things come to an end, and for Dekoi, she decided to simply step away from the party scene, becoming a tattoo artist, settling down into a routine and a pattern, a constant stable element for anyone to rely on; a trait which turned out to be her most important calling. She ended up looking after a couple of children who had been orphaned, taking them in and beginning the chapter which extends to the current time, looking after children without homes, sick children that can't safely coexist with the outside world, anyone that needs help, her house turning into a sanctuary.

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