

1 month, 23 days ago


BLACKLIST BELOW !! - May NOT interact or have any characters of mine!

-- NurxyDoodlez :: Felt uncomfortable around them!

       > For extra context - they were originally misusing the free tab and it got annoying, they literally covered a whole page of the free tab so I muted them because I was trying to find a purge ad and it was getting harder and harder to find with the characters. Blocked due to them actively insulting people in their blacklist and making fun of them.

-- DEVINS_STORAGE :: Blocked as they had some sort of close relations to NurxyDoodlez and assumed they didn't want anything to do with me as they stated in their ad for free art that they don't want to interact with people who blocked their friend and had asked for those people to block them so I did. [On second thought,, they were probably NurxyDoodlez themself]

-- Nansengery19 :: This person has made explicit content of a feral oc and they have also made explicit content of a character made by a minor,, more info can be found here.

      > Have removed the NSFW of Love-pop as well as apologize abt it,, will not be removed still until the allegations of making feral nsfw are proven false.

-- peachypegasus :: Invalidated Foursona's misophonia and trigger, actively went out of their way to publicly interact with foursona via the callout bulletin instead of talking in private which is more mature way to do. They wouldn’t be on here if they handle the situation maturely but they handle it in an immature and irresponsible way when commutating via bulletin.They had acted really passive aggressive during it.

GREYLIST BELOW !! - May interact and such but may not have any character made by me!!! 

-- trainleg :: Failed multiple times to credit me for my works & designs and has either deleted or private an design of mine without letting me know when they were adopted by a off-site user. 

       > They're a nice person but I don't like it that they had failed to credit me for multiple of my designs + artwork to them and has traded my designs off-site without my knowledge which just cause so much trouble for me as it's possible that the characters will get traded around and once uploaded here, I won't get credits of.

-- CL0WNERY/LEFT_4_DEAD :: Failed to let me know that they went with another offer even though they accept my offer (made a month before the other offer). Told me I had a max of 2 months to complete and never told me that they decide to go with the other offer so I work on the art for 2 more days until realizing that they gave it to someone else. 

      > Will not be able to trade with me or have characters of mine just because I worry this might happen but instead of it being a small issue, it'll be a more larger one.

PEOPLE I WISH TO STAY AWAY FROM AT THIS MOMENT - May interact and still own characters from me, just wish I stay away from for now (don't mention them to me)

-- foursona :: I would prefer, at this very moment in time, to just not talk abt or carry my stance on it from before; I edited this so there was something here before that I won't be sharing. Realized this stuff ain't good for my health as it's a bit triggering for me and I was just forcing myself to speak on it like I own it to Jesus Christ himself but I don't own anyone to force myself to speak on it.

-- DUNCEDOGS :: I would also prefer if I didn't have to talk abt this person and carry my stance on them. This whole situation ain't good for me or my health and I don't wanna talk abt it, thank you.