
5 months, 6 days ago


Height: 5’3

Pronouns: Any

Gender: Non-binary

Personality: Quiet, Secretive, Introverted, Clumsy

Likes: Water, Sight-seeing, cuddles with gf

Dislikes: Moist dirt (the texture is gross to her), Deserts, Rude villagers

Taken by Mayven

Background: Rika works hard in the village despite not friending many people, she specializes in cultivating crops and enjoys planting flowers, she is very shy due to her ptsd which makes her less open to others but she finds peace in creating beauty, she’s a big creative type and often not a fighter unless it’s to protect those she loves. She enjoys collecting flowers in her free time to give to her girlfriend as gifts 

After the extinction of replicants she’s supposed to be the equivalent to 12-s in terms of personality type and sorta looks but not the same person