Wyborn "Wybie" Mothe



1 month, 22 days ago


Weird guy, but sweet!


NAME Wybie Mothe

AGE 23


JOB Farmer/Taxidermist

BIRTHDAY Winter 18


HOME East of book stand

BUSINESS NAME Morbid Mementos




Wybie is the friendly, if strange man living in the forest cliffs next to the book stand. He's optimistic and cheerily aloof, often coming off as cryptic unintentionally. His tendency to "go with the flow" and his very casual reactions to odd happenings gives him a unique reputation in town. Of course, all of this is ignoring the fact that he wears a plague doctor's mask-- one he never takes off and goes out of his way to avoid removing. No one knows what he looks like underneath it.

Adding to his strangeness, Wybie is actually a wizard-- just so lowkey that it's hard to tell. He doesn't like using his magic for anything other than small conveniences, so although he doesn't attempt to HIDE his magic, no one really knows he has it to begin with.


  • Wybie is slender and tall with long legs. He obviously isn't built for combat or heavy-lifting.
  • Wybie's blue and orange earrings and ofc his mask are not optional!
  • His hairstyle is best described as a short, folded ponytail. It sticks out like it does because that's the ends of his hair sticking up.
  • The "eyes" on Wybie's mask can be drawn in different shapes to help him with facial expressions. It's not noted in-universe and is purely artistic liberty.


  • Wybie got his burn scar from a work accident while he was a mortician in the city.
  • Despite him almost always wearing the mask, there actually IS a reference for him without it. It's intentionally hidden from view to preserve the mystery.
  • adding onto the last point, his "kissing" sprite on his sprite sheet shows him lifting up the mask slightly for access. He does the same thing when eating, which is infuriating for anyone trying to trick him into unmasking.
  • The two coloured earrings used to belong to his mother! She gave them to him as a graduation gift.


Wyborn is exceedingly calm and wise, despite his youth. He's polite, emotionally sensitive and deep, finding meaning in everything— including death. Despite being known as “the guy who likes dead things”, he actually holds great value in life and the quality of it. Eccentric sort of guy with a mixed reception, but despite all of his knowledge and the overall vibe he has, he’s quite young and everyone knows that— he doesn’t hide it and it’s obvious.

He gets along with everyone in his demographic and is very casual, even when it comes to the mask he constantly wears— instead of replying with a direct “no” when asked to remove it, he typically finds a way to get AROUND removing it. In circumstances where he’s likely expected not to wear it and has no alternative (such as to sleep), he has no problem taking it off, even with people around. He very confusingly tends to…wordlessly flip flop between not caring at all if his face is seen and caring a lot if his face is seen. Some might describe this as “Dedication to the Bit”.

This tendency to nonchalantly hide things about himself, while denying his need to do so can sometimes be annoying. But mostly everyone has begrudgingly accepted that he just does that. It makes it easier to think of it as a challenge.


"Oh-- oh wow! I love this, thank you!... How did you know?"
  • Crocus
  • Tea leaves
  • Strawberry jelly
  • Honey


"Oh, I like these, thank you."
  • Strawberries
  • Dinosaur and Slime eggs
  • Duck Feathers
  • Pine Tar


"Ah. Um...thank you very much...but I have so many of these already..."
  • Foraged minerals
  • Clay, stone, and wood


"Are you...making fun of me?...I'm not a bird..."
  • Mixed seeds


Wybie's mother from the Ferngill Republic and his father from The Gotoro Empire seperated when he was very young, driven apart by the war. He was old enough to walk, but not to remember certain things...including who his father is or that he had a sibling. His parents each chose a child to take in the divorce, and his mother, a powerful witch, decided to take him after noticing magic potential in her young son.

Wybie and his mother moved to a large town, living just outside of it in a cottage all their own. He grew up surrounded by magic, both his mother's and the magic of the forest around them. He was socialised early, being taken into town often to meet people and chat and as a result, he naturally grew into extroversion. When he was old enough, he was sent off to a magic academy and graduated at 18 with flying colours. Despite this, when he moved to Pine-Mesa city, he studied as a mortuary's assistant. While he was good at magic, his interest in taxidermy (and handicraft in general) was there from the beginning, and of course he chose to pursue it.

Although he loved being a mortician, he eventually grew tired of the city. When he discovered that his great great grandmother had a small bit of land in Stardew Valley left to him in her will,he jumped at it.


Originally living in Pine-Mesa city, he moved to Stardew Valley for a change in scenery-- and stayed for good. Previously a mortician, he now runs a small vineyard, but makes most of his money from his all-around taxidermy business.

The valley and Pelican Town are much more comfortable for Wybie, and he's grown extremely attached to the place and the people he's met. He would have loved to still be a mortician, but as a taxidermist, he has far more creative freedom. That....and Pelican town isn't exactly in the market for a mortician.

Write about the summary of their relationship here! A small summary will do, but the box and image will adjust if you want to ramble more about them.

Write about the summary of their relationship here! A small summary will do, but the box and image will adjust if you want to ramble more about them. This is a longer summary. Four lines fill the box nicely.

Write about the summary of their relationship here! A small summary will do.

Oh, yes I like to put flowers in the beak. I prefer to smell nice things when I'm working with death, wouldn't you?


code by icecreampizzer