Tiffany Barbra



1 month, 30 days ago


❤Basic info

Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Nicknames: Nurse Barbra & Tiff
Species: Human
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Straight
Friends: Dr. Vikander
Family: N/A
Enemies: Vivian Watts
Personality: Helpful and bubbly to an uncanny amount
Likes: The color pink, being stereotypically feminine & being praised for her work effort
Dislikes: Any sort of resistance against her, bugs and maggots, & petty drama
Strengths: Intelligent, pretty physically strong and good at handling medical tools
Weaknesses: Can't regrow vital organs (heart, brain, etc.)

❤Physical Information

Tiff is a normal human, except for the fact that she is able to regenerate entire limbs and organs. This is accomplished in a similar way that axolotls do this.


Coming soon :3

❤Assorted Information

  • Tiff is known to ""donate"" organs to Dr. Vikander
  • Vikander gave her the modification that allowed her to regrow her organs
  • Tiffany has almost nonexistent morals, and will do whatever she wants
  • While Vikander and Tiff have a somewhat of a "relationship", Vikander is sill fine with her having relationships with other people
  • Tiff acts stupid and bubbly for attention, but she's actually pretty intelligent.