Lemon the bat



1 month, 2 days ago


Lemon the bat


Name Lemon
Called Lemon scented wonder
Age 26
Gender Female
Race Bat
Status Taken
Alignment Neutral


  • Wears a flame charmed necklace
  • Stands at 5'5
  • Travels around a lot


  • Taking care of her hair
  • Baking
  • Designing clothes

"H-hi! The name's Lemon. It's a pleasure to meet you. Hope we can get along and be friends! I'll bake you some nice sweets while helping you design clothes!"


Lemon is a very shy girl, always raised to show the kindest nature she can show. There isn't a day that goes by that Lemon enjoys being in the presence of others, always striving to put smiles on their faces, no matter what it takes. Her flaws include never being able to catch onto being way too king, giving more than she recieves and never expecting anything in return. It was until she met her girlfriend, Cinder, that she never really had any walls built up. It was thanks to Cinder that she started to take friendships a lot more seriously, as Lemon began falling into states of slight depression from her experiences. Thankfully, nothing too extreme happened to her, but she was almost beat during a very...unfortunate experience.


She got the name from her hair smelling like literal lemons once she was born. Why this is the case is unknown, but it is considered an etremely rare trait that her smells as lemons. As a young child, Lemon always dreamed of two things: owning her bakery and owning a clothing store. This was due to her first interests when she was a little girl, always collecting clothes as a hobby, and taking in the sweet aroma of cakes and pies. When she became a teenager, she worked for local shops, gaining experience in the baking and clothing field. Once she reached adulthood, she seeked out college to further her own career.


As an adult (currently), Lemon runs a mini business, helping out a friend in traveling with baked sweets, delivering pies, cakes, cookies and other delicacies to neighboring friends and families. During one trip, Lemon ran into an old fling who tried taking advantege of her, to which Lemon was confused by what she should have done, since in her youth, Lemon never really dated anyone, only having small crushes or flirtatious flings. It was then that she was sort of "saved" by her current GF, Cinder the bat. Since Lemon never really had anyone stick up for her or even care for her the way Cinder did, she grew feelings. The two began talking, spending a lot more time together and eventually one thing led to another. Even though Lemon spends a lot of time pursuing her goals, she still keeps Cinder in the back of her mind. Both her and Cinder wear charm earrings that remind them of one another.


  • If she's flirted with, she'll either play it safe and throw a comment back for fun, or pass it off, since she isn't really the romantic type.
  • While never discovering the truth, in the back of her head, Lemon does wish to know why her hair smells of lemon.
  • Lemon is fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese.
  • Lemons spends her free time studying dancing, as she has that as a side gig to make small money in theater.
  • Lemon has both parents currently alive.



Cinder [ Girlfriend ]

These two bats met during one of Lemon's travels, when Lemon was confronted by an old fling that had a crush on her. Cinder didn't like the way she was treated, so she stepped in to help out. Refer to the bio above for any more information.



