


1 month, 29 days ago


Name- Marquise 

Gender- Male

Personality- Marquise is an inquisitive dragon, one that is always seeking more knowledge. He has a huge sense of curiosity, one that leads to him often getting himself into dangerous situations. He doesn't have a very good sense of self preservation. Despite this, he isn't very trusting, and would rather gain information on his own rather than asking or interacting with others. He is highly independent, hating having to rely on others. He is much more comfortable being on his own.

Backstory- Marquise was young when he was frozen in the glacier. When he emerged, he was confused, curious, and at the same time suspicious. He didn't like that they were kept trapped within a settlement--what right did other dragons have to tell them what to do and where to go? Teen him was an outspoken opponent against their isolation. He was part of the revolt, and as soon as they had their freedom, he set off to learn about the world around them, a world so different than the one that he had once known.