


1 month, 26 days ago

Basic Info




The Smiling Man, The Red King, The Father of All Monsters


The Will of Change

Generation 0:

The Null Generation: The Interloper



- Orthros is a fate altering trickster who despises stillness and will do anything in his fathomless power to ensure the world is ever-changing. For better or for worse. 

- Orthros was not created by The Unity, he trespassed into this reality from another realm. 

- Orthros arrived after the creation of 'The Law of Wills' and by The Unity's own rules, became The Will of Change, as he embodied the shift from an empty Unityverse to a living one. 

- While Orthros cannot create new universal Laws, his power rivals that of The Unity in that he is able to manipulate and bend fate to his will. 

- Orthros is depicted with a humanoid shape but is not bound to the limits that such a body would provide. Orthros is amorphous and duplicitous, he is able to be anything, anywhere, at any time.  

- One thing never changes about Orthros no matter what form he takes: he is always smiling. 

- Orthros is written as a hero, a neutral party, or a villain depending on who the author is. Orthros has brought humanity back from near-extinction through 'championing' his favorite mortals. 

- However, that near-extinction was likely caused by Orthros' string pulling. Orthros has disrupted peace countless times and even killed another Will to get Mortalkind to act independently from The Guiding Wills.

- Orthros has an infinite hunger for knowing and it is speculated in theology that he incites change just to see what will happen. By seeing change, he is able to perceive every possible outcome and the knowing that comes with them. 

- Orthros awaits 'Terminus' or the moment he can perceive every possible outcome in the known Universe; to which he will then destroy it and move on to the next.