


1 month, 15 days ago


i can do it with a broken heart
taylor swift

01 — Profile

Name Lapinet
Nicknames Lapin, the clown one
Age ???
Gender clown ( they/it )
Height 5'11'
Birthdate unknown ( apr 1st )
Pokemon ♀. ( glitchmon )
Orientation. ???
Occupation Apprentice

Faction Arkrust Vanguard
Residence Battle Tower
Ability Mold Breaker / Soundproof
  • What a merry little clown! How whimsical and frivolous they are! Their unmoving mask-face is twisted in a permanently polite smile; their gloved hands tap against each other, and their bubbly mime-to-speech Narrator translates for them cheerfully. They are so helpful, and only a little bit unnerving!

  • There was surely nobody before there was Lapinet. There is surely no scrap of soul inside them, untranslatable and unconveyable, screaming with an inoperable mouth.

02 — Personality

Whimsical. Nothing seems to weigh all that heavily on Lapinet. The world and its cruelties seem a distant concern. They’re a trickster, not a player, and the hardships of the world seem practically meaningless to them beyond a mimed weep and a mimed handkerchief dab at their eyes.

Cheerful. At least outwardly, they seem quite an optimistic little being; though their face cannot be seen through their mask, the permanent smile there doesn’t necessarily seem out-of-place with the pleasure they take from whimsy, mirth, and other assorted jokes.

Enthusiastic. They’re passionate, driven, ever the trier and ever the attempter; they give it all a go, and it’s always with that same painted smile on their masked face. They won’t complain about it – how would you complain via mime, anyway? Their Narrator doesn’t seem to pick up on any complaints if they do exist.

Adaptable. They’re fairly capable, as far as whimsical sprite clowns go; they seem willing to take on anything at least once, searching for a scrap of stability.

Fickle. The flip-side of being adaptable and enthusiastic about new things means that they flit between options, never sure if they should commit all the way. They are a dab hand at tailoring and an unusually impressive hand at medicine, but neither seem to capture and hold their attention as they'd like - or perhaps they are just afraid of settling into a role and realising they're good at it.

Obscure. Their intentions and thoughts are masked - literally - behind multiple layers of translation and understanding. They cannot wear their heart on their sleeve, or keep it balanced in their mouth. They can only smile their mask smile and let their narrator wax lyrical about their maybe-feelings.

Insecure. Beneath the fluid, animated movements and the permanent smile, Lapinet relies on humour and fun as an outlet to mask a very real anxiety at their own existence. They can perform and prank and play games, but can they perform? Seriousness daunts them, unable to express their feelings outwardly.

Fake. They are a mask. They are a performer, a prankster, something to be narrated by another body; they cannot explain themselves, and can only be interpreted. This means that even though they're viciously aware of the pit in their chest, the emptiness, the existential fear - they'd much, much rather be the smiling fool and the willing jester than to be the rounded self who might be allowed to humour such insecurities.

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03 — Background

before, there was only void.

There was nothing before there was Lapinet. Nothing that they've ever deciphered, nothing they've found. Perhaps they blipped into existence entirely untethered from any doppelganger or past ties - or perhaps they simply unraptured themselves a little too late. Arkrust is not a sentimental place; if there were traces of a life before Lapinet, they had been long since ransacked and repurposed in those strange six years since the decimation of the human race.

No – there was only nothing, and then - as quickly as if they'd only blinked their way into the world - there was Lapinet. They were, before they were aware of being anything at all, a pair of spindly white-gloved hands scrabbling at the underside of a barracks-mattress within the Battle Tower. Eventually, their hands had found the edges of the mattress, spindle-stick fingers appearing over the horizon of the bed. The blue-skinned man occupying the bed above them had screamed like a sacrificial goat, stumbled out of bed (mismatched socks and pink-purple leg hair, from Lapinet's line of sight) and evacuated the room long before the little thing had realised there were no words they could say to soothe the poor man.

Their mouth, as the leaders of this strange Vanguard would come to find out quickly, was mask. The skin of their face was also mask, unwilling to budge even for the most persistent of fingernails. Lapinet couldn't – still cannot – speak, as they have no voicebox to vocalise, no tongue to touch their non-existent teeth with, and no lips to spread the sounds smoothly. In the moment they had their mimes, their mimicry - but it proved to express much when quite what to say remains a blank. They were, after all, nothing until a few minutes earlier.

After some continued reluctance, the dog-queen of Arkrust agreed not to evict them if they really so desired to stay within the walls of the Vanguard, so long as they were willing to work for their worth. And, though they could not verbalise quite why, they felt right remaining. It soothed a little of the discomfort in them, a feeling not of something being right but at least being less wrong. They worked with a feathered mechanic within the Vanguard to create a text-to-speech device that somehow warped itself in their fingers– within a week, it was no longer computing text but instead interpreting and narrating their mimes, slowly growing a life of its own. It has never made sense, but neither has Lapinet.

Searching for a calling, trying to find a part of them to settle comfortably and to prove said usefulness, they became an Apprentice – odd jobs held aloft in their animated fingers. They are comfortable here and now – they have not found meaning just yet, but they have found reliability and comfort, and sometimes that is worth just as much.


(…. There was something before there was Lapinet. Someone, surely. Their steady hands, their instincts with a scalpel and a dressmakers' scissors, were not crafted wholecloth from the air - they had to be someone's hands, once. They think they can feel a real mouth behind the mask that is their face, though they're unsure what a working mouth is supposed to feel like. Sometimes they feel such an emptiness at their centre of balance. A great buzzing at their cheeks like a scream that can't escape its confines. They have looked inside themselves and called out for company, and the only sign of life was the echo.

But all of this chafes against their closed-mouth smile. It is not Lapinet to dwell on the past and on the rot inside their gut. There is no way to explain through mime and peppy narrative the existential dread that courses through their too-long veins. They are lost, but cannot remember the direction they came from – and the only option now is to keep going onwards, forever.)

04 — Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus.

  • Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.

04.5 — Mun info

  • PLAYER’S NAME: Sieg / Hannah

  • PLAYER’S PRONOUNS: she/her or fae/faer
  • SHIPPING?: Absolutely!
  • RP PREFERENCES: I love a long RP, but I’m not the fastest at responding, so HCs and quick exchanges may be best!
05 — Stats & ability

❖ STR: 1 ❖
❖ DEX: 5 ❖
❖ END: 2 ❖
❖ INT: 4 ❖
❖ CHA: 3 ❖


Lapinet functions on Clown Logic, and this Ability is the reason why. Lapinet is able to extend their natural non-verbal mimicry into a sort of minor reality-warping; with their hands they can mime writing something down, for example, and their intended words inscribe themselves onto the page; if a door is locked, they might be able to mime a key into existence to unlock it. Mimed hard surfaces in thin air become capable of handling the weight of a few books to rest them onto; in some circumstances, Lapinet has even managed to mime themselves onto a non-existent bicycle!

This ability has a disturbing amount of potential, but is thankfully tempered by its drawbacks – namely, it seems that the functionality of this Ability extends mostly as far as it is funny to do something. Lapinet struggles to muster the Ability in serious situations, which immediately negates most of its usefulness. Equally, the amount of reality-warping and copying it can do is inversely proportional to the size and weight of what the mimicry is standing in for. Miming writing with a pen, for example, is easy enough; miming lifting a hammer, on the other hand, is significantly more strenuous. Lapinet tires extremely easily when their Ability is used outside of the bounds of simple jokes and tricks, and if overused they have been known to pass out.


This ability is assisted by Mold Breaker, but exists independently enough to be its own secondary ability. Lapinet is capable of creating a small bubble, or box, of mime-space, and to place this onto or over an object or person in order to mute and deafen them temporarily. While within the small mime-zone, the people inside will be incapable of either hearing anything outside of it, or being heard. In the mime zone, nobody can hear you scream.

Lapinet is unable to move or to communicate while this pocket of mime-space is being maintained, as they have to focus on miming the object into existence and cannot break off to communicate when their only communication stems from their miming. It takes intense concentration, and the longer it is kept up for, the sharper their headache ends up growing.


Who needs a weapon when you can mime?!...they have a pair of dressmaker’s scissors. Just in case.