


1 month, 16 days ago


  • Name Dorian
  • Pronouns He/They
  • Gender TransMasc
1. This Place Is Death | Deftones
2. All They Wanted | Panchiko
3. suffocation | crystal castles
  • Age 21 y.o
  • Height 5'4"
  • Species Lop bunny
  • Sexuality Bi
  • Occupation Librarian
Dorian is a very kind but relatively quiet person, he keeps most things to himself, unless given to chance to ramble about his interests. Generally speaking though, you wont know if something is wrong with him. Dorian keeps his feelings to himself, and sees his emotions as a burden to others. He is quite stubborn about it as well and really wont let up, it takes a while to get him to open up.
Dorian really enjoys reading, he likes to read horror novels and his favorite types are slashers and psychological. He plays horror games sometimes when hes free at home. Dorian also enjoys comics, specifically batman since those are more gloomy and dark. When he was a kid, he dressed up as batwoman (the childhood of a transboy) for halloween.
Dorian has autism and other problems (lol) and will keep a fidget cube on him at all times because it helps him regulate. Usually youll catch him messing with it during lectures, when hes trying to focus, or other stressful or boring situations. His special interests are horror and batman, if that wasnt clear. Asking him about those things gets him really excited and he will yap for a while.
  • Design notes
  • • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Dorian is a second year literature major at his college. He lives in a college town and works at the city library. Dorian likes to read a lot in his free time, so he really enjoys his job! He gets to help people find what they need and he has a lot of knowledge at his finger tips. The only problem is that.. he feels like hes being watched a lot, especially when hes going home. It could be the horror novels he reads that are starting to get to him, or maybe...? No, he must just be paranoid.

code by: delusionaleks