Yuusuke Yukimura



5 months, 1 day ago


playlist name

short playlist description, 1-2 lines - 0 songs, 000 min 00 sec

Well, it is what it is.


yukimura yūsuke

formerly known as

yukimura yūka




man (trans)




39 yo (in 2023)


december 5, 1983




cafe owner & barista




F ormer office worker, Yuusuke's life was forever changed when his former upperclassman, Soutarou Arakawa, unknowingly ripped him out of the clutches of depression. His words resonated with him, completely changing his way of life, transforming him in ways he could have never predicted.

He's the proprietor and sole worker of the Tipton Cafe. Due to its unfortunate location, he has to put up with close proximity to crime, frequent extorsion attempts, and less-than-ideal clientele. Still, the rent is cheap.

Yuusuke is a quiet and polite man with a gentle face and even gentler attitude. He comes across to most as mellow and relaxed. He's very agreeable and hates to inconvenience others; in fact, asserting himself makes him feel a little anxious as he doesn't like rocking the boat too much. He's very willing to accomodate others and accept any given situation for what it is, especially if it's out of his control. It can cause him to become melancholic at a drop of a hat but it also means he's very flexible.

He is overly concerned with safety and often sees danger even where there's none. At the same time, he can seem a little cheeky when actually threatened; he's had to deal with it for so long that it doesn't seem to actually faze him anymore. The prospect of possible danger seemingly worries him more than the real thing.

While he seems very nice and willing to help, Yuusuke can be surprisingly competitive, especially in regards to business matters. He likes to feel efficient and is very pragmatic - being practical comes first. He's always on the lookout for new business strategies and ways to attract customers. As such, he sometimes comes across as a little cold.








  • 80s and 90s manga
  • coffee
  • his boyfriend
  • idols
  • jazz music
  • organising things
  • snakes


  • cigarettes
  • EDM
  • insects
  • ketchup
  • people who litter
  • travelling
  • unpleasant customers

His saviour, his favourite person. A man well-worthy of respect and beyond trustworthy, despite his ties to organised crime. Admires him for being kind, brave, and way more reasonable than himself. Were it not for him, he probably would have killed himself. Loves him deeply. Would help him hide a body if the need arose.

Yuusuke has a complicated relationship with his overly controlling dad. He loves him but feels that he didn't get a lot of the freedom that he needed in his youth. Yuusuke desperately doesn't want him to see him struggling. He's relatively accepting of Yuusuke's transness but less so of his dating choices.

Yoshiaki Fujiwara

regular customer

There's something decidedly off about this man but Yuusuke can't put his finger on it. Straight up weird but he tries his best not to question it. She once protected him from some thugs so now she gets to sit in the cafe without buying anything.

Sou-chan's very annoying aniki who seems to visit the cafe just to bother him. That said, he did help him out a few times... only to turn around and force his boyfriend to smoke. Or pull a dagger on him (?!) Seriously, what's wrong with this man?

design notes


5'7" (169cm)

created in

  • Right-handed.
  • Has top surgery scars on his chest.

  • Went to a private Catholic girls' high school. He got there based on a scholarship he received for his good grades.
    • He considers himself irreligious but participates in many local festivities.
  • Has a degree in Xianese language and literature.
    • His secret talent is being able to recite many classic poems from memory.
    • He's also really good at kanji.
  • Has a heart condition he inherited from his mother. Takes medicine for it on the daily. It's better for him to limit stress and physical exertion.
  • He speaks standard Xianese most of the time, although his accent and some pronunciation quirks clearly indicate which part of the country he comes from.
    • Despite not speaking it too much, he knows the region's dialect really well. Words typical to it sometimes slip in when speaking casually with his friends and family, or when put under immense stress.
    • When drunk, he speaks exclusively the regional language to the point of being somewhat hard to understand for outsiders.
  • Other than Xianese, he speaks a bit of Quetlish. He also knows a bit of Zemazhian but can't actually speak it that well.
  • Keeps a notebook with customers' typical orders and the music they like. It was a tip from Kurosaki that seems to have served him particularly well over the years.

aura sensing 10%

aura output 0%

aura usage 0%

strength 35%

dexterity 50%

constitution 30%

Is Adept At keeping a low profile, gentle stretches

Is Weak At anything combat-related

Yuusuke was never good at sports. He never particularly liked participating in them, either, and gym glasses were for him a near perfect hell equivalent. Moving too much is a pain. However, as an adult, Yuusuke acknowledges the need to actually exercise - if just a little bit, to keep his body nicely stretched. This, along with his heart condition, obviously doesn't translate very well to combat skills.

To keep a long story short, Yuusuke is an ordinary person. He can't use aura in the slightest, though he's learned to sense it a little bit over the years. He can't fight very well, either - most people really can't, after all. When in trouble, he has to rely on other, more skilled people to get him out of such situations. Besides that, he can merely try and smooth things over with words. Some years back, he started keeping pepper spray in a few notable spots in his cafe, just in case something goes wrong. After all, he gets threatened on semi-regular basis, to the point where he's used to it.

Oh well. That's just his lot in life, it seems.