


1 month, 3 days ago


< Personality >

- Has thinking process and emotions similar to humans, unlike most of the other planets (Besides Earth). CAN be affected by emotions but that’s rare. The only times human emotions affected him was when he fell in love with a human and when the hungry power humans mindset infected him. Driven by greed for power and freedom, he starts destroying universes instead of protecting them like he was supposed to. He seems to have a “don’t care“ and “carefree” attitude normally, but he will change personalities based on what he wants to do. Since he likes to experience new things, he’ll play roles?? For example, Judas was his “student” for a bit so he would act more wise and caring towards Judas, like a teacher. He just likes messing around to see new things
- If someone, however, questions his powers or tries to restrain him in anyway (like freedom) he’ll immediately go after their ass 😭 Especially if like “im stronger than you” he’d just laugh in their face and say to come at him. He’s the type to keep on dodging until the enemy gets really pissed and says like “Just come at me!” Then he just punch em in the face.

< Facts >

- Was okay with his job until he got curious and started going to Earth to see what he was protecting exactly. Seeing that there was so many things humans could do plus seeing power hungry humans (politicians, CEOs etc), this caused him to develop his own deserves instead of being an emotionless guardian.
- The ONLY reason Arjun spared Solar (universe name where the planets live at) was because of the human he fell in love with. Earth has them protected and is one of the few regular humans left in that universe.