Seir's Comments

Hello! I have made an WTA entry for this beautiful creature, I really think it would tie in nicely into my story as an antagonist both past and future.

I'll leave it under a spoiler because it kind of got away from me a bit and I wanted to do it justice, hopefully you will like what I did. c:

Race: All Devouring Krayt

Name: Seir
Age: Immortal
A creature not of this world.
It has a taste for death and destruction. A being of pure chaos. Like a moth to a flame it is pulled to those touched by divinity by its all consuming hunger. -Ancient Scholar

The All Devouring Krayt was the moniker used in the most frail and ancient books for the orange chaos creature of destruction. A story often used to scare children, seemingly an old wives tale, silly folklore, nothing true, nothing real. How could there truly be a creature as old as time, birthed from the first balls of chaos that shaped the universe? Older than the gods they worshiped and thus beholden to none, such nonsense! A creature of nightmares, all fangs and claws, giant wings and multiple eyes that saw all…stop spreading such lies!!! No creature like that could exist, it was impossible, the people of the far gone past were obviously mistaken, documents forged, stories embellished… all the while, even though they pushed it down as far as it could go, in their hearts they couldn’t help the flicker of fear inside.

 - - -
The All Devouring Krayt, Seir, a name none should ever know was indeed born from the first clashing of chaos and saw the creation of the multiverse. During the dawn of the earliest days they were not alone, others of their kind were also formed though the creatures spread out to the corners of the universe preferring their solitude. They feasted on the chaos they lived within and witnessed the forming of different planes and worlds and also the birth of the gods. Wishing to challenge other strong beings many battles were fought and many gods faded into dust, names never being known. Others though proved stronger than the Krayts and were able to deal some punishing blows though never were a Krayt felled. Now though the Krayt knew the sweet taste of divinity, a taste they would not soon forget even as centuries passed.

Seir still bore the scars of his tussle with the gods although it was pleased that never again had another creature managed to mar its skin. It took great pride in its bright orange fur and strong wings and spent most of its time traversing in the chaos until something from another plane caught its interest and then it would emerge to play. It felt especially drawn to worlds at war and would pop in to sow havoc using its control over space to switch soldier positions and redirect attacks. It also took extreme joy in joining the fray, slicing through with teeth and claws relishing in the torment of its victims from the caustic properties of the raw chaos in its saliva and blood that burned like acid. And after it had had its fun it could feast on the devastation that comes in the wake of war until its belly was full.

After it would once again cross back into the chaos plane and continue on aimlessly until something else caught its attention or hunger called to it. Of course with such a volatile nature heroes and villains alike that had the power to cross the planes of existence had made attempts to defeat or control the Krayt. Seir looked forward to their attempts, enjoying testing its strength against others that considered themselves strong enough to challenge it. But it would be a hard and unfavorable battle for most especially if they came unprepared. For Seir was immune to enchantments, poisons, dark magic and diseases. And in addition to its teeth and claws it could teleport, see past most spells, cast illusions, cause fear and call darkness in addition to other magic abilities. And even if the enemies could manage to do damage to Seir, it had amazing healing abilities and could recover from near lethal wounds. It even had an ace up its sleeve…having been born at the beginning of creation it had a deep understanding of time and knowing how to even very briefly break it.

Thus this was how Seir spent its life, fearing no danger instead having others fearing it and doing things on its own whims. The multiverse was massive and it could be centuries before it might by happenstance return to a world it once ravaged, now reduced to a fairytale until it returned to reign devastation once more. Most worlds did indeed learn something though, even if the Krayt itself was long forgotten, and that was that it was better to have peace than wars. Inadvertently it made these worlds less appealing to be revisited unless of course they happened to be in its path when its hunger called.

Right now though its hunger was sated and it was drifting lazily in its plain of chaos when something tickled the back of its mind. It sluggishly turned its head in the direction it felt a calling from flexing its nostrils and pricking its ears forward. Then suddenly it tensed its ten golden eyes piercing through the vast openness of the chaos in front of it and seemingly gazing into another plane. A weak signal pulsed, a small light wrapped in divinity, and Seir’s gaping maul stretched open showing rows and rows of razor sharp teeth, it had been an eternity since it last tasted a god. It was time to play.

I tried to leave it kind of open ended to try not to get too attached but this creature has definitely been living rent free inside my head. c:

The character in the last paragraph, (tw: it is a digitally drawn wolf like creature) is my character of divine origin that met misfortune and was trapped/sealed for centuries. When the seal was broken that would be when Seir would become aware of his existence. I'll link the literature background writing here in case you were curious about the character Seir would be hunting (it links straight to the literature and has no character picture on it):

But in that literature it mentions that Amir met misfortune when arriving into the world and how he was then captured by forces of evil. Here I think Seir would come in as a great antagonist from the past and future. Since it has a craving for divinity, all those centuries ago it had traveled to this world to hunt Amir and they both did massive damage to each other, causing Seir to leave that plane to regenerate and Amir weakened was able to be overpowered and trapped by forces of evil and his presence hidden and sealed. Thus Seir sensing the divinity no longer moved on and centuries pass. In Amir's background he is eventually discovered and unsealed and this is when he pops back up onto Seir's radar causing it to head back to this particular world that has all but forgotten its existence. And since the multiverse is enormous even with Seir's teleporting and plane walking abilities it would still take a while to return to this world. Enough time for Amir to gain a bit of strength back and this time have some allies on his side.

I think this creature would tie in very nicely into Amir's story and add some interesting twists and turns for the other characters too. c:

Thank you for your time and thank you for the opportunity to enter for this creature! <3

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Wowo could be used in cos au lore, aereis pero!!! Void infected!

THEY R SO RADDD!!!! I’d love to have them! I only have one character, and I’d love for them to be besties omg omg,, 

I’d def love to make this dude a main sona because they’re so cool and I RLLY connect with their design GRGR!! They look scary but they’d probably actually be a really sweet guy who’d cry if he hurt a fly,, Tysm for the chance! I absolutely adore them! I could offer art if need be!

The potential bestie in question is linked above; my dear Autismis Yippicus

I would love to take this guy in!! I would use them as part of a beast taming act in the circus and they would be one of the summons for the ringmaster! Summon as in the ringmaster can conjure them from anywhere in the area and summon them to where he is :p

I'd love to offer a trade for this dude to take them off your hands! You can go ahead and go through my secondaries or tertaries folders!!

Ooo! I love this little guy and would love to add him to my planet I am working on. The immediate thing I think of is that he would be a Cryptid on my planet as one of the stories that the inhabitants of the planet would tell there children about. It would more specifically have to do with entering a specific desert or something. He wouldn't just be a fake story though, instead he would roam a desert and end those who enter their domain. Though there are a few exceptions and a few that they wouldn't even dare to attack. They are very smart but can be bloodthirsty at times which can cause them to act a bit stupid.

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thanks, but i just had spent my money on something and i had forgotten i commented this i have bad memory😅😅

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This is really cool, we would love to add him to my huge cos au. Maybe we could use him as an aereis linked pero. I don't have much else to write as were still working on a lore doc for the au. But if we get him, just know he WILL be used.

I would love to add them to my apocalypse story in this folder here! I think I'd like this character to serve as an antagonist in the story, I have some that are sharp and witty but honestly, this guy just messes stuff up by destroying it. Can't argue with a giant monster with sharp teeth to come and ruin someone's day. While other monsters track the main characters down and wait for the perfect moment to strike, one day, this guy shows up and in one swoop destroys the shelter they had been staying in, forcing the protagonists to flee from the shelter. Just because this guy's main job is to smash things doesn't mean he's mindless though. He caught a whiff of the smell--someone's infected. It's been a while since the infection returned and he finds that very intriguing. He wants nothing more than to take Creed's younger brother and keep him prisoner until he fully turns into another mutated creature just like him. He thinks that he can keep this infected person as a pet, and gain even more power by having a constant threat of an infectious creature to turn even more of the last survivors. This guy is a HUGE threat, and defeating him will likely prove one of the toughest final battles the protagonists will have to do. Also, I can offer anyone in this folder for them!

How much would you be looking for moneywise? :0 I wouldn’t mind offering dependent on price!


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Aw darnn, not too expensive though! I might come back if I get cashapp then and they're still ufo!

I was thinking of making them a Sun god-- So hrmmmmmmm- We'll see if temptation drags me back or not! Either way I do hope they get a good home!

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That would be cool! I can maybe edit this comment later tonight when I have time and write something more informative! :D


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1 Replies

I'd love to offer a trade for this dude omg they're so cool looking! You can look through my secondaries or tertaries folders!!!

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Would you accept money offers? If not  here is my WTA 

Meet the 10-eyed orange feathered dragon with a name unknown to mortals, a creature of mystery and intrigue. Despite its intimidating appearance, this scary monster is always seen with a wide, toothy smile on its face. Its vibrant orange scales shimmer in the sunlight, creating an ethereal glow around it as it moves with grace and agility, it's feathers glow like the sun. The dragon's ten piercing eyes are said to possess the ability to see into the depths of one's soul. Legends say that those who encounter this creature are forever changed by its presence, experiencing a mix of fear and wonder. With feathered wings that span the skies and a lust to spread terror, the 10-eyed orange feathered dragon continues to roam the lands, a symbol of both terror and fascination.

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Hey is this oc still free for grabs?

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I can offer trade for all 3 characters I commented on in my 2 sale folders

I have a story that I'd like to use them in, I'll try and keep this short but the setting is pretty much a interdimensional club that opens up doors and lures people inside, tempting them deeper into the endless, looping space. Eventually getting lost they meet others and get pulled into events. The VIP members watch and bet on the events, the currency often being house chips which are souls. They bet and scheme to entertain their boss. The club has its own secrets, one of them is s hidden space that connects to all floors, a space between spaces that acts as a dungeon for those who break the rules. 

I'd want him to be a warden of the dungeon, a jailer. A devouring beast that revels in the misery of his prisoners. He is fully capable of speech and etiquette but prefers living more animalistic. I'm thinking he didn't start a demon but is an example of what someone can become when they wander in a victim, rise up to be a prominent VIP member and through their own decisions and gained favor ended up working for the boss indulging dark desires.

Thanks for the oppurtunity!

Name ideas: bane 

Pronouns: he/it

Sexuality: pan or ase

Powers: possibly haveing dominion over the forest or summoning fire (subject to change) 

Speices: undesernable demonic speices posess bear and lizard features 

Traits: intimidateing, animalistic, short fuse, hard headed, secretely a big teddy bear, has a soft spot for small weak creatures, 

Likes: physical affection, understanding, fighting, respect, violence, being in charge, power, being reveared, revenge, dusk (my character) sleeping and napping

Dislikes: loosing, The cold, ice cream, not being taken seriously, bordeum, being controled, cages, being ignored


This character is so gorgeous!!

I could offer to trade anyone from here- 

And two bits of art in any art types that are listed in my examples that you want. (If you don't want a character, I can push it up to 3 bits of art).

He would be a character in a story I'm working on. He would be sort of the moral support of the main group of characters, he would be incredibly loyal, friendly and bubbly to his friends but could seem cold and mean towards others. He is fiercely loyal and wouldn't be afraid to hurt anyone who threatened his friends. He would live in a garden with his friends and be responsible for for protecting that garden from the dark forces that threaten it. He takes protecting the forest very seriously (more seriously than most of the other group members) because he wants to makes sure that he and his friends are safe and always have a home.

I just wanna say your designs are DELICIOUS 

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2 fulls 1 bust?

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He would definitely be a forever homed character!

Name: Yair [He Will Enlighten]
Fierce, dependable, willing to fight for what he believes in, and will take no sh*t from anyone.
Doesn't speak with its mouth, its voice echoes throughout the mind
Despite being huge and scary is kind and caring to those he is close to

Also have tradables here &

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Oh my god I ADORE their design!! Theyd be added to be a powerful being or even a god in a medieval world I have going! Theyd probably also be used as a sona as well outside of the world. I dont know what I have that I could offer other than anyone from these 2 folders: and
Multiple is fine c:

Saw this ( and wanted to spruce up my comment a bit more to be more of a WTA instead of being more of an offer lol!

I would absolutely LOVE this guy to add to a world Im working on for some of my more random/fantasy characters. Its a medieval setting with lots of magic, gods, monsters, fantasy, etc! I feel like theyd fit in super well as being a god or demi-god of sorts. Probably one of chaos or an evil observer of some kind. I dont have a name or any specific information thought up yet as Im still working on the world and Id like this guy to be roped in with the lore of the world somehow, but Id give this guy a forever home, and probably make it also be a sona if possible as I LOVE their design and vibes.

My offer above still apply as I genuinely adore this fella, but here is an actual WTA for them as well! I just really hope to get them! Im sorry if this isnt enough, but either way I hope you have a great day/night <3