


1 month, 28 days ago


♥Basic info

Age: ~400

Height: 6'0

Species: Half-Demon 

Abilities: Extended lifespan

Pronouns: He/Him

Gender: Male (Trans)

Sexuality: Gay

Friends: Jasper Scott (Husband)

Family: Nova Scott (Sister), Sammy Scott (Brother), Fluke (Son), Prometheus (Great nephew) 

Enemies: any and all birds

Personality: Self-righteous and cocky, aggressive when confronted with conflict, but will settle down if he trusts you

Likes: Mechanics, engineering, fighting for what he believes & his husband

Dislikes: Birds & being told he's wrong

Strengths: Good with weaponry and intelligent

Weaknesses: Easy to provoke

Physical information

Tempest is no different from a regular human, besides his exaggerated canines, tall horns and tail. He also ages slower than humans, giving him a prolonged lifespan. 


Being reworked!! But here's a summary of what we have

  • Grew up as the middle sibling in a single parent, 3 kid household
  • Involved in a machinery accident that led to them needing a prosthetic arm
  • Joined some sort of war? Details are still being reworked
  • Met Jasper (a medic)
  • That's it that's all I have 100%
  • Don't ask about his son I swear I'll have it figured out someday

Assorted information

  • Tempest made his own arm :)
  • Jasper keeps Tempest in line
  • Tempest and Jasper were engaged before Jasper's death
  • Tempest is not allowed in the kitchen. He knows what he did