


1 month, 25 days ago


Placeholder profile


Basic information

  • Pronouns:He/him
  • Age:108 moons
  • Gender:Cis male
  • Orientation:Homorromantic
  • Clan:Lavenderclan

  • Voice claim: N/A

Quick description

Wolverinestar was born as a rougue in a barn very far away from the clan's territories. He wandered alone, ocasionally saving cats in dangers without any demands for recompasation. His heroic acts made him quite popular amongst the lone cats and the travelers- Making him gain the nickname of "The lone hero"

After saving Ravenpaw (later, Ravenflight) He accepts shelter in Lavenderclan so he could rest and treat his wounds. He wasn't planning to stay, showing himself to be completely apathetic towards anyone aside from the clan leader, Dawnstar. As they became friends, Wolverine decided to stick around with Lavenderclan for a while, but never expected that Dawnstar would choose him as his deputy, and him being named a leader right after. That was a role Wolverine never wanted to take, but he did it to honor his friend, whom he was actually in love with- Although his passion could never be reciprocated due to Dawnstar already having a mate, and being dead before Wolverine could ever confess his feelings-. Many admired Wolverine for his strengh, bravery and selflessness to help anyone even though he never made friends. Even so, his charisma made no cat doubt that he should be the one cat to lead the nomad group. However, they overlooked that Wolverinestar was not perfect- by putting him on a pedestal, the cats of Lavenderclan became stunned end revolted once their flawless hero would start to make mistake beyond reparing. Wolverinestar's drastic choices would divide the clan into doubt and hatred.