
2 months, 3 hours ago



  • Name Faith
  • Age 16
  • Gender Female
  • Birthday August 28
  • Height 5'6"
  • Nationality American
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Tattoo Symbol Crosses
  • Element Affinity Holy Light
  • Animal Affinity Chimpanzee

Sensitive - Sarcastic - Insecure

Not a lot is known personally about Faith at the faculty. Usually there are new rumors running around everytime a new person shows up, but not Faith. She keeps to herself and has a small circle of friends. Faith can be found at any party being rebellious as a teenager possibly could be. Her philosophy is that she is already dead, why not live a little. Faith has no interest in her grades and is barely passing all her classes. She is constantly starting fights with teachers and other students. Her most popular victim is Jade and all because Faith can’t stand how innocent she asks. Faith occasionally goes after queen prep Robin but more in a flirty way. Which drives Robin crazy and gives Faith a good laugh. Everything changed for Faith the day Star showed up.

Faith was sitting with her friends at lunch when the new girl, Star, walked into the cafeteria along with Jade. She watched them sit down at a lunch table where “Boring” Boris was sitting already. Faith was shocked to see someone actually hangout with Jade let alone talking to her. Especially after extending a hand out to her to join her group of friends, no one rejected Faith. Shooting up from her seat, Faith stormed over to confront Star only to be stopped by Vlad half way. He told her to give the new girl a break which just made Faith more furious. She couldn’t understand why this new girl was becoming everyone’s favorite. Vlad guided her back to their table but Faith’s wraith was just beginning for poor Star.

Mood Board ArtFight


  • Her alone time
  • Classic Goth Aesthetic
  • Astrology
  • Rainy Days


  • Talking to Jade
  • The Beach
  • Pink things
  • Goody-to-shoes


  • Partying
  • Tarot Card Reading
  • Painting Nails
  • Bullying Normies