


2 months, 3 days ago


Basic Info

Name: Mohanthril

Preferred Name: Mohan

Age: Early 100s, Appears Late Teens-Early 20s

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Species: Moon Elf

Purity: Pureblood

Status: Exiled

Height: 6'1 (185.4cm)

Weight: 170lbs (77.1 kg)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Assassin

 Current Residence: Migrant


Mohanthril is a Moon Elf born as the only son to a prominent clan in the Netherdark. Mohanthril has always been headstrong, stubborn, and free spirited with his parents struggling to groom him into a suitable heir. As noticed from his short hair, Mohanthril is currently exiled due to reasons he has yet to disclose to the party. He ended up slipping through a rift in the Netherdark and found himself topside in the mortal realm, with no acceptable currency and faced with discrimination at every turn, Mohan found himself doing odd jobs with the sorts that were on the wrong side of the law for survival. During his tenure with the criminal group he met a Sun Elf that was not bothered by his heritage and with much effort the other young elf befriend Mohanthril. His feelings of friendship soon turned into more, and were accepted by the other party. They eloped from the outlaw group and Mohan thought things were looking up, until things weren't. Betrayed by his lover, he was given a sleeping potion and woke up already branded and sold to slave traders as a rare oddity, A noble with a taste for taboo items purchased him and bound Mohan with a curse leaving him unable to even think of rebelling against his new master. Long lived is he, and short lived are the humans that held him captive, he became a tool handed down between the new heads of the noble family.

He regained his freedom partially due to an unexpected event at an illegal auction that was crashed by Asaroth's party and a blighted beast being sold was let loose. The strong magical resonants disrupted the curse's bindings and his master could hardly be worried about keeping track of a bound hound with a short leash, knowing that Mohanthril would be forced to return his master fled in the chaos. Never would they have expected that his luck would finally look up, meeting someone that was able sever their connection and redirect it. Feeling a familiar sensation from Asaroth, he chose to entrust the young man with his 'leash'. Although he has traded one master for another at least Mohan is free to make his own choices now and is actively looking for ways to break the curse on his person permanently.


+ Decisive| Focused| Insightful| Loyal| Methodical| Astute

+/-Quiet| Cunning| Laid-Back| Competitive| Prideful| Tenacious

-Stubborn| Headstrong| Jaded| Pessimistic| Ruthless| Secretive


Likes: Blades| Polishing His Weapons| Gold Items| Reading| Quiet Places Stormy Weather| Moon Bathing| Meditating| Trying New Things| Freedom| Good Smells

Dislikes: Animals| Bulky Clothing| Sunny Weather| Slimy/Squishy Textures| Alcohol| Being Touched| Enclosed Spaces Underground| Being Whistled At| New Moon| Light Associated Things|


  • Krishil's blinding positivity simultaneously grates his nerves and fascinates him, sometimes he finds it hard to even look at Krishil as he seems to see literal sparkles surrounding the boy.
  • It's not that he's an inherent animal hater, just almost anything in the Netherdark no matter how cute or small can most likely kill you
  • He's a walking weapons dispenser.
  • Knows a lot about herbology, specifically poisons.
  • Can be found cleaning and sharpening his blades when the party is stopping to camp.
  • Cannot cook, should not be allowed to even touch a single ingredient unless you'd like the entire meal to become inedible.
  • Ironically he excels at making potions.
  • He's immune to poison.
  • The curse marks on his body glow.
  • His eyes glow white when he's being controlled by his curse.
  • His back has many scars and the brand that is the main source powering his curse on his left shoulder blade.
  • Mohan tends to stab first and ask questions later
  • All of his blades are laden with layers of curses and/or poisons. People rarely survive encounters with him.
  • He is a complete plant killer of regular flora only poisonous and mutated plans survive his care.
  • Has a preference for curves blades