
6 years, 25 days ago


"Am not here to make friends"

Name Zero Yama
Age 19
Gender Male
Race Hedgehog
Role Fighter
Theme Two Brids


  • Night sky
  • Kinfes
  • Birds
  • Soda


  • Crowds
  • Being told what to do
  • Seeing his friends hurt
  • Sleeping

adjective . adjective . adjective

he is a very cold guy and doesn't take shit from no one, i won't say he's confident, but he sure as hell won't let someone bring him down. He doesn't like to work in a team but will if needed, he knows his limits and knows when he needs to ask for help. When you really get to know him he can be a bit of a dork, he will try his best to show his love, more through action then words, and he knows nothing about love so he just ends up embarrassing himself when trying to be romantic. He has a bit of an attitude and anger issues, if something pisses him off, he tends to over react a lot and starts yelling and going all out on you. But when he realizes he's being an idiot and acting like a child, he'll apologize and such, then heads off to cool down.

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