


1 month, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Phighting! (Roblox) (and a little bit of Regretevator)




Speed Coils


Neutral (Act 1), Lost Temple (Act 2)






Speedy (By Boombox)






5'7" (Drawn as 5'9" since she is always on her tip toes)


28 (Act I), 29 (Act II), 48 (Act III)


April 24th


Nurse (Current), Student (Formerly)




Chase (Older Brother), The Broker (Best Friend), Boombox (Friend), Scythe (Boss), Subspace (Enemy), Banhammer (???), Mist (Old Psychiatrist), Mace (Child)


"You're just too forgettable..."



Speed is a pale, slim woman with short, messy pink hair and light red horns that curl down the side of her face and point out. Her natural hair color is white but she dyes it. Her left horn is chipped. She has 3 eyes. Her two main eyes are faded red and her third eye, in the center of her forehead, has an oval-shaped, dark red iris. When she is out, she wears large, circular sunglasses that cover her main eyes. She wears a light blue, sleeveless turtleneck jumpsuit and a dark teal corset with a zipper. The corset doubles as a wrap that holds her carrier against her back. She wears matching gloves. Speed wears light blue sleeves that are detached from the jumpsuit. There is a diamond cut out in the chest of the jumpsuit to show a blood-orange crystal embedded in the center of her chest. Instead of normal shoes, she wears dark teal socks and red speed coils that wrap around her feet. She stands on her toes, which are attached to a platform that she wears on the balls of her feet and the coils wrap up to her ankles. She has a thin tail with the end having thin tufts of hair. The end used to be fuller but Speed sustained burn injuries years earlier that took most of the hair and she is unable to grow more. When in battle, she can be seen carrying a large glass container on her back that is full of absorption orbs.

After joining the True Eye cult, Speed's clothing changed to a uniform that matched the traditional color theme, and her right eye was removed and replaced with a white one. She now wears a teal, buttonless collared shirt with gold cuffs around her elbows. The shirt is open, exposing the middle of her chest and the crystal. Instead of a tie, she wears a dark teal bow around her neck. Her shirt is tucked under a dark blue corset that is buttoned on the right-hand side and the shirt sticks out underneath it. Speed wears dark teal pants with a gold cuff around her left knee. Her speed coils are now a bright teal. Her dark teal gloves have been replaced with light-blue, almost white, gloves that cover her whole hand. She has a gold cuff on her left horn that covers the chip. Her sunglasses have changed so the right lens is blacked out and only the left lens is transparent. While in battle, instead of a large glass container, she now has a small bag that hangs from her right horn and carries her absorption orbs.


Core Traits: Chronically Confused, Awkward, Go with the Flow

Despite Speed's innocent and friendly appearance, she can be incredibly awkward and forward. After the incident that led to her home getting destroyed, losing most of her vision, her brother dying, and getting amnesia, most of her personality did a 180. She treats everyone casually to avoid having enemies for no reason. Speed could genuinely befriend a few people but preferred avoiding strong connections unless they were useful to her. This is why she tried to stay factionless as she thinks it brings more problems than solutions. Her soft side shines the brightest when she is treating an injured person and has sweet bedside manners. Even if she knows nothing about her patient, she will show nothing but support and stay by their side until they make a full recovery. Once they are fully recovered, she will send them off and then forget about them unless they left an impact on her. When she is alone and can't find something to keep herself occupied, she can be found sulking and getting frustrated at her inability to remember anything before the incident and hates herself for always running away. When she has nothing to do and her few friends are unavailable, she explores the land the factions are located in and stalks people. As chill as she seems, she gets easily flustered by people stronger than her in casual settings and has a bad habit of running away when she gets embarrassed. She isn't afraid of fighting and enjoys it but when approached by someone who isn't trying to fight, she turns red and flees. An example was when Banhammer caught her stalking him while working and she froze and then ran away before he could question her. When she is around people she is indifferent towards, she stays quiet and sometimes actively ignores them. She normally tries to go with the flow when working with allies and when given an order by someone above her, she will do it with little to no questions asked to keep things simple.

She has great respect for Scythe and the combination of fear and finding her attractive basically turns Speed into a loyal slave. If anyone else tried telling her what to do though, she'd kick them straight in the neck for having the audacity.


Growing up, Speed was cold and distant and never made friends. Her only company was her older brother, Chase. The combination of Chase wanting to keep her safe from the world and her desire to avoid people led to her never leaving the house. She spent all of her time exercising, studying, and trying to find ways to improve her medical techniques. Despite her attitude, she genuinely loved and cared for her brother but stayed out of his business when it came to his work. Her brother was a scientist for Blackrock and after discovering the crystals with Subspace and Medkit, he took one to Speed and let her study and find a good use for it. After the huge fallout between Subspace and Medkit, Chase decided to leave with Medkit and join the Lost Temple. Speed was horrified to see what he did to himself to join the cult but assumed he was safer away from Blackrock since he wasn't alone. Despite wanting to be factionless, Chase promised that Speed would join when she was older with the intention of the cult keeping her safe in case something were to happen to him. She was unaware of this and continued studying the crystal in her own home. When Speed was 25, Chase was heading to Speed with Medkit to move her belongings to the Lost Temple but was jumped by Subspace and a Biograft. Speed, unaware of what was happening outside her home but hearing the commotion, put all of her notes and journals into her suitcase and was ready to flee. Before she could take her crystal, a trip mine crashed through a nearby window and landed in front of her. When it went off, it blew the crystal into her chest and she collapsed, hitting her head and chipping one of her horns. It went off so fast, she didn't have time to register that it was a bomb and her eyes were wide open when it went off. The light blinded her main eyes and her third was only spared because she always kept it closed. She was only knocked out for a minute but while she was unconscious, a fire started and destroyed her work and burnt most of the hair off her tail. When she woke up, she was extremely confused and couldn't remember what happened but seeing that she was in a burning building, all she knew was to grab what looked like her suitcase and run. She ran out the back door and never looked back to see what or who caused the explosion, she just knew she had to get away before anyone noticed she had escaped.

While running, more like limping, she saw what looked to be an extremely random, out-of-place elevator not far from her and decided to get inside to hide. The doors closed and took her away, all while unaware of what happened, where she was, and where she was going. After seeing several random floors, she got off on one that looked calm and found an abandoned home that she decided to make hers. Years went by and during that time she became a certified nurse and continued to make studies about the crystal that was now stuck in her chest and the side effects it had on her body. Mainly regurgitating marbles 3 times a day that had the ability to absorb toxins and injuries. She got used to using her 3rd eye for seeing and wore glasses over her blind ones. The only thing she could remember before escaping years before was her name, her older brother, and because of her notes, her research on the crystal. She couldn't remember her birthday, species, or the town she lived in. Everything she now knew was from the life she began after escaping. She wanted to find her brother and would regularly get back on the mysterious elevator in hopes of returning to the floor she came from but would instead find herself surrounded by weirdos. 2 years after she escaped, she learned how to make the elevator go to specific floors but couldn't figure out which one was hers since she hadn't seen it since the day of the incident. On the 3rd anniversary since she ran away, now 28 years old, she was casually using the elevator to reach a specific floor to buy something but by pure chance, saw a floor that looked unfamiliar to her. The first thing she did was write down the information needed so she could take the elevator to the floor on command. When she looked out of it, she saw an injured unconscious man on the ground and the sound of explosions in the distance. She had no idea what was happening and could tell that there was trouble coming her way if she stuck around, as the sounds were getting closer, but the nurse in her couldn't let the man just lay there and die, so she grabbed him and dragged him into the elevator. Right as the doors were closing, she saw what looked like a robot dashing towards the elevator but luckily got away before it could reach them. When she got a good look at the man, he had horns and he reminded her of herself. What she was unaware of, was that she just grabbed Medkit and took him from the middle of battle. It would be after helping him recover, that he'd recognize her and reintroduce her to the universe she came from and explain what happened to her and her brother on the day of the incident. After learning about everything, she had a new goal in life. Beat the phucking shit out of Subspace. The few people who knew about her thought she had died years prior and now she's stuck dealing with the crap her late brother unintentionally put her in. She was unknowingly associated with the True Eye cult by proxy and tried to avoid officially joining and has beef with Blackrock but is trying to avoid them finding out she was the younger sister of one of their traitor scientists.


Medkit - Associate: Despite being the first phighter she encountered years after losing her memory, helping him recover from serious injuries, and him helping her come back to their universe, she doesn't consider him a friend and speaks with him as if he is just another co-worker. When he heard that Broker and Scythe kept encouraging her to join the cult, she got upset with him when he told her to not join because she heard about how he was already a traitor once and had been acting suspiciously when at the Lost Temple, so he has no right to be giving her advice when he can't even decide what to do when it comes to factions. She understands leaving Blackrock but thinks he would be absolutely insane to abandon a faction a second time. She can tell he is just trying to survive but thinks he's doing a piss poor job and is digging his own grave with his indecisiveness.

Speed doesn't trust Medkit at all and can tell that he'd easily turn in one of his fellow members if it meant saving his own behind. She can't understand why he'd join the cult instead of working solo like Rocket. She reluctantly works with him when needed but tries to avoid him any other time so the day he does turn in someone, it isn't her. She swore if he ever does anything to Broker, he's as good as dead. She doesn't care if he turns traitor again, she doesn't want to get in trouble because of him.

The Broker - Bestie: Speed met Broker very early after her return. She found him while stalking Banhammer and saw him in a cell and decided to question him. He was weirdly friendly and assumed she wanted to be friends, so she went along with it and after confirming he was an active member of the True Eye cult, questioned his knowledge of her late brother. She decided to break him out in hopes of being given more information and he told her about Chase's promise that she would join when she turned 25 and she is 3 years overdue, which pissed her off. Despite this, she continued to keep in contact and would hang around him a lot. She thinks he has a cute face and can respect his extreme loyalty to the cult. Way more than Medkit, that's for sure. Speed regularly had to reject his encouragement of her to join the cult and endured it for way too long. She would return to the Banlands every time he got caught by Banhammer and would treat breaking him out without Banhammer noticing like a game. The few times she would get in trouble and needed a hand, she would call for Broker. She didn't care about his criminal record, as long as he was helpful and didn't try to make her one of his victims, she considered him a friend.

After she eventually joined the cult, their friendship became even stronger and she would hang around him more than anyone else.

Boombox - Friend: Speed met Boombox while sneaking around the Playground and stalked him because she liked his music. He never noticed her and she thought he was stupid for that. Due to his appearance, support ability, and learning that he has never killed anyone, she didn't see him as a threat and decided to approach him first. She liked how knowledgeable he was about the Crossroads and would hang around him to distract herself when she had nothing to do. He would talk a lot and she would sit and listen and occasionally add to the conversation. She would ask him for favors a lot and liked how useful he was. He knew nothing about her past and she liked that too. She likes his stupid face and thinks of him as a (good) brother she never had. He is one of the few people Speed would be upset over if he were to die. If it weren't for the fact that he was in a faction, she would consider him to be a roommate. When Broker would be unavailable and she needed a hand, she would call for Boombox.

After she joined the True Eye cult, he was disappointed and unsettled but since her demeanor never changed and she promised to never hurt him, they continued to be friends but she couldn't hang out as much, and Speed was worried if she ever got in trouble, he would be dragged down with her.

Scythe - Boss/Person of admiration: Speed met Scythe through Broker after helping him escape Banland for the first time and go to the Lost Temple. Speed originally just wanted to meet her one time to question her knowledge of Chase, since she was his boss at one point. After seeing her for the first time, Speed got extremely flustered and was intimidated to even speak to Scythe since she was an outsider and felt like she was intruding by entering as a non-member of the cult. Scythe thanked her for helping Broker and, like Broker, reminded her of her late brother's promise and encouraged her to join the cult but Speed stood firm and rejected the offer. Even though Speed wasn't even a member, she admired Scythe and would praise her strength from a distance or talk to Broker about how incredible she was. Speed saw her as a celebrity and would love to be noticed but would also be terrified of disappointing her. She would eventually have the courage to speak to Scythe when she passed by while hanging out with Broker and would freak out once she left. When neither Broker nor Boombox was available and she desperately needed a hand, she'd beg Scythe for help. She basically acted like this when Scythe would notice her.

Scythe only came to help her once but before helping, told her that if she ever wanted help from her or Broker in the future, she'd have to decide if she was going to fulfill her late brother's promise or from that point, go solo. Considering how often she hung around Lost Temple and worked alongside Medkit and Broker, she was already close to being a member and might as well commit. Speed thought about the fact that if she joined and committed for real (unlike Medkit) she'd finally have people to seriously rely on and wouldn't have to worry about being alone. It was a serious choice and not something she could casually walk away from, but she decided to accept Scythe's help and join the cult. She made sure to let it be known that she wasn't doing it to fulfill Chase's stupid promise but that she was doing it on her own accord. After having one of her blind eyes taken, she was an official member and continued to loyally follow Scythe, happy to have the privilege of being close to her and working underneath her. When Speed is around Scythe, she turns into a different person but any other time, she's back to normal. She gets extremely embarrassed if she's caught fawning over Scythe by others and would get violent if anyone said anything. She once "jokingly" kicked Broker in the chest when he caught her staring at a picture of Scythe.

Banhammer - ???: Speed has never directly spoken to Banhammer but out of everyone, she stalks him the most.

Speed - Past Patient: Speed used to be one of Mist's patients. Mist was able to trace all her trauma back to the day of the accident involving Subspace and while this should've turned Mist against Subspace, they ignored it and focused on helping Speed recover. Like usual, they hid the fact that they're a Blackrock scientist and a close associate of Subspace because despite Mist completely separating their two careers and leaving their relations with others out of her work, Speed would not be able to look past their relationship with him. Mist made good progress with Speed but despite their effort, couldn't help her drop the desire to get revenge against Subspace as it had become carved into her core. Using their mist and speaking to Speed while she slept, they were able to find out more about her past and give her the information they got once she woke up. A lot of it wasn't good but it was something.

After Speed joined the True Eye cult, she stopped going to therapy and ended up finding out about Mist's other occupation. She was uncomfortable but was impressed by how serious they were about keeping their jobs and relationships separated so she didn't hold anything against them for keeping it a secret. As allies during phights, Mist would ask how she has been doing and show concern for her wellbeing with Speed responding timidly and hesitating to tell the truth. When on different teams, Mist and Speed apologize to each other after defeats and they both promise they're not doing it due to their relationships with their factions. They have a positive-leaning relationship but since their greatest enemies are also their associates, they avoid each other.

Mace - Child: Mace is Speed's child but they were never really close. Mace was unexpected and Speed could have left them behind to be an orphan but decided to take them in. Speed regularly had to leave them with someone else so they would be away from the Lost Eye. Mace is aware of why she did this and is grateful for her efforts at keeping them factionless because they went through with staying factionless til the day they die. After Mace spent most of their teen years with Ban Hammer, they didn't talk to Speed as much anymore and just sort of co-existed in the same space. Speed is aware that Mace would send her to prison if ordered to and she doesn't mind. She does feel bad that she has to hide from them sometimes.


  • She can still see light and shadows through her blind eyes
  • She started dying her hair after escaping because she felt uncomfortable standing out with white hair when almost everyone else had colored hair
  • She continues to dye it to keep her individuality and stay the person she was after escaping
  • She can't remember who her parent was and only remembers Chase since he took over care when she was 3
  • Speed loves parkour
  • Speed swears Broker sleepwalks but no one believes her
  • Even though demons don't need to, she loves to sleep and has mastered the ability of lucid dreaming
  • She cuts her hair and is bad at it
  • In another life, she would've joined Playground
  • Out of everyone, she hates Subspace the most
  • She hates biografts because she thinks they're annoying
  • She is neutral towards Katana because he left Lost Temple before her time
  • She is neutral toward Hyperlaser because she can tell that he doesn't like working for Blackrock
  • Speed can't go to Slingshot's cafe without Boombox because she gets extremely shy and feels like she's being watched when alone
  • She also doesn't go alone because, without someone to distract her, she would laugh at Slingshot's uniform
  • The pupil of her third eye dilates uncomfortably large when she is inspecting something. Like a cat
  • Speed thinks Slingshot's cat ear horns are cute and Vine Staff has pretty horns
  • She loves to wrestle Broker and always ends up pulling a suplex on him to end it
  • For her 29th birthday, all she wanted was a hug from Scythe
  • Speed can't describe how she feels towards Ban Hammer, also she has no idea that Windforce is his mom
  • She doesn't like seeing Shuriken and Vine Staff together because it reminds her of her and Chase
  • Only Scythe, Broker, and Boombox are allowed to touch her. If anyone else were to try it, she would grab them by the hand and bend their fingers back til they crack
  • She is extremely flexible and does contortion tricks for her friends but is really awkward about it
  • She uses her orbs for rhythmic gymnastics
  • Speed has a Southern accent but hides it unless she is around Scythe
  • Her Southern accent will come out when she screams at someone
  • People often forget she is almost 30 due to her appearance and demeanor (Act I / II)