๐Ÿ“ | Gigi Fraggle!


Basic Info


1' 4"


Short and stocky, built for cold climates

Theme Song

Voice Claim

Optional parts of design

Fanny pack (It is encouraged tho!)

Must include

Hair must be up (It is only down if she is asleep or in her jammies) and should always have her butterfly clips in

Unique Features

thicker body fur that goes onto their arms and legs a bit (due to being from a cold climate)


A gatherer (Much Like Mokey, except she wanders in the caves of fraggle rock as well as the gorg's garden, and later on outer space, to find new and interesting foods) (She gets lost everytime yet some how manages to wander back home) and an explorer in flutter's own right


Gigi fraggle
gender (they/she/flutter) fraggle adult Aroace

bubbly ditzy gullible zero sense of danger
Teazel's colorful and quirky roommate, Gigi is a forager and accidental explorer within my little fraggle rock story! Flutter spends a lot of her time searching the rock, on the hunt for new forgeables to bring back to her cave. However, her sense of direction is basically non-existent, so they often end up getting lost in new and unexplored parts of the rock! Luckily, her friend/roommate Teazel and her pet/foraging buddy Wigglesby are (almost) always there to save the day! ย 
  • New plants! (especially tasty ones)
  • Infodumping about flora to anyone who will listen (this includes gorgs, monsters and various creatures)
  • Flutter's pet/bestie/gossip buddy/foraging partner, Wigglesby
  • Accessories, Accessories, Accessories!!!!
  • Compasses ("They're dumb!! Like how does it even tell me where to go?? It doesn't talk!")
  • Waiting/long lines/ slow walkers (anything of that nature)
  • Being unable to express her feelings ("I just... I dunno... it's like when your head feels like sleeping but your feet feel like playing, ya know?)
code by dustchomps