


5 years, 9 months ago


Jesiana is my female fursona. Funny enough, she was actually created BEFORE Lerato (my main 'sona), on March 4th, 2007, on the Lion King Fan-Art Archive. However, at the time she was created as more or less a 'joke' character, and her design was vastly different. Over time, I grew to enjoy drawing and connecting more with Lerato, and Jes sort of fell into 'second place', as it were. And as years went by, I disliked her original design more and more and she ended up having several design changes. 

When I first discovered the furry fandom and felt that Lerato was my 'fursona', I was told a few times that it was 'weird' how I was a female, but had a male fursona. While it never really bothered me, I ended up shrugging it off by saying, "well, Jesiana is my female fursona then". While Lerato is his own separate character and personality who I personally connected with and relate to, Jesiana is more of a 'reflection' of myself onto a furry/feral character. I see more of myself in her, and she doesn't really exist in her own story/universe, but is just drawn whenever I feel like I want to put myself into my artwork.