


5 months, 10 hours ago


amidst towering trees and winding rivers, there lived a nolumoth named Dragonfruit. Known for his vibrant scales that shimmered like the fruit he was named after, Dragonfruit was a noble creature, devoted to his family.

Deep within their cavernous home, Dragonfruit lived with his beloved mate, Sereph, and their two dragonets, reef and gusher. Together, they thrived in harmony, their roars echoing through the valleys as they soared through the skies.

One fateful day, as Dragonfruit ventured out to hunt for his family, tragedy struck. A sinister species known as the Oxytalis, envious of the nolumoth' majestic presence, invaded their territory. When Dragonfruit returned, he was met with a scene of devastation. His mate lay lifeless, and one of his dragonets, reef, had fallen victim to the merciless attack.

Enraged and grief-stricken, Dragonfruit unleashed his fury upon the invaders, but not without paying a heavy price. In the midst of battle, he suffered a grievous wound, losing half of his wing. Though he fought valiantly, he couldn't prevent the loss of his cherished family members.

With his remaining dragonet gusher , cradled protectively in his claws, Dragonfruit fled, his heart heavy with sorrow. As he stumbled through the forest, pursued by the relentless Oxytalis, he could hear their mocking laughter echoing in the distance.

Though Dragonfruit survived the ordeal, the scars of that tragic day ran deep. Haunted by memories of his mate and reef, he withdrew into solitude, his once vibrant scales now dulled by sorrow. Yet, amidst the pain, a flicker of determination burned within him, fueled by a vow to honor the memory of his fallen loved ones and to ensure that their legacy would never be forgotten. His dragonet now stays with his father, grown but Still weak-minded due to the miss of his brother and mother. They both miss her, and dragonfruit wishes he never went to hunt that day.